爱思英语编者按:如果有那么一天,我会为正在痛经的男朋友,热切地递上一杯白开水。 1. If all men had periods they would no longer be taboo. 2. Tampon packaging would change drastically; no longer would they be in soft blue and pink boxes. 3. Marketers wouldn’t shy away from the idea of blood; in fact, they would embrace it. 4. Period pants wouldn’t just be your oldest pair of granny knickers. They would be specially designed with useful pockets and a waistband made to be displayed. 5. There would be constant TV adverts for different types of period-pain medication, all featuring scientists. 6. Period sex would be encouraged. Special non-staining sheets would be sold, and research on its health benefits would be commissioned. 7. PMS would be taken very seriously, and people would be let off for minor crimes if they committed them while menstruating. 8. No one would call it “Aunt Flow” or “that time of the month” any more – synonyms would be about WAR and CLEVER CULTURAL REFERENCES. 9. Men wouldn’t hide their tampons when they went to the toilet. Some men would even choose to display them in a specially designed tampon sash. 10. If all men had periods there would probably be the Periolympics, where men would measure who could period the most. 11. If all men had periods we would celebrate them! 那如果这个世界上只剩下男人会来月经呢? |