
  • 大部分考研人都有名校情结:“考研不考名校,不如不考”。但是,名校不是你想上就能上的,名校一般都不会好考,特别是那些报考人数多的热门专业,更是难上加难!那么问题来了,名校难考,还想上名校,又怕考不上怎么办?怎么才能找到好考的名校?每年都有一大批考研人找到了好考的211、985。他们是如何做到的?今天就...

  • 19考研即将进入百天倒计时,今年有些重大变化和需要注意细节,今天我们就来和大家分析一下,提前做好应对准备! 一、今年研招管理规定主要有6大变化1.准考证更重要2.明确加分政策3.调剂细则更明确4.“退役大学生士兵”专项计划调剂政策更明确5. 严格规范考试培训行为 重要的是第一条,考生凭下载打印的《准...

  • 距离2018考研只剩6个月的时间,大部分跟着复习计划走的同学已经进入了强化阶段,也有部分同学最近才加入考研大军,可能会因为时间不够用的问题感到焦虑,那么,如何高效利用剩下半年的时间将复习效率达到最大化,将之前与别人的差距追赶上来呢?在这里给大家推荐几个优质的学习方法:1、番茄时间管理法能不能看得进去...

  • 每日一句:The teachers who took part in the program also told me of their worries that they might be force-feeding their pupils information rather than sti...

  • 实际上文学专业的考研学生每年跨专业的人很多,所以复习过程中大家的基础不同,复习起来效率自然也不一样,加上考试中各种不确定因素的影响,导致一些投机取巧的考生说不需要很久的时间也能复习好专业课,这种说法其实不够准确,大家可以回想自己每次期末考试,考前也非常费劲地突击,虽说考完后感觉比较轻松,但复习过程还...

  • 1. There is a general debate on the campus today over the phenomenon of college or high school students' doing a part-time job.对于大学或高中生打工这一现象,校园里进...

  •     Recently,fog and haze has become a imminent threat which most northerners in China are facing.While the cities of China have greeted striking spee...

  •     In recent years,the office medias have pointed out that students’ time spend in the library dropped tremendously from 30 hours a week to about 10 ...

  •     We all know that books are a source of knowledge.But there are those who think what the book contains must be right.It is stupid to follow the boo...

  •       It is natural that difficulties hide in every corner of our life,so we have to face them at times.But the problem is that sometimes we can do no...

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