
  • 123. The console can determine how the controller is moving in space and what it is pointing at, and uses that information to control what is happenin...

  • 122. Women who live in areas of high air pollution, exposed to invisible particles from traffic fumes, coal-fired power stations and wood fires, are a...

  • 121 An animal that can remember the significance of that large, nasty-looking thing with the big teeth and sharp claws will survive longer and produce...

  • 119. To make the technology as simple as possible, Sony, HP, and other vendors are finally creating software that can be used across all their devices...

  • 117. That is surely how history will judge modern criticism of video games, which are accused of turning young people into violent criminals.【结构分析】 本句...

  • 暑期承载着整个考研复习60%的任务量,18考生正在开启紧张的全面备战模式,对于英语复习,主要是解决历年真题中的阅读理解。同时,部分19的考生也为明年的考试着手准备了,但大家相对比较迷茫:现阶段复习英语应该做些什么呢?首先应该明确一个事实,与18考生相比,大家拥有大把的复习时间,这就是很强的优势。我们...

  • 116. Even China’s population will be declining by the early 2030s, according to the UN, which projects that by 2050 populations will be lower than the...

  • 物质观·时空今天我们学习一个命题者特别钟爱的小题考点,这个点在2014年与2016年都考过。我们称之为物质运动的存在方式——时空。首先,“存在方式”这个哲学词汇,我在“运动”中,就已经学过。我们可以总结一下:物质的存在方式运动物质运动的存在方式时空但,这还不是命题的重灾区,关键是各位同学要搞清楚时空...

  • 一、必然性和偶然性(辩证法第二对范畴)必然性和偶然性是揭示客观事物发生、发展和灭亡的不同趋势的范畴。必然性是指事物联系和发展过程中一定要发生、确定不移的趋势。偶然性是指事物联系和发展过程中并非确定发生的,可以出现,也可以不出现,可以这样出现,也可以那样出现的不确定的趋势。必然性和偶然性是对立统一的关...

  • There is extraordinary exposure in the United States to the risks of injury and death from motor vehicle accidents.More than 80 percent of all househo...

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