
  • 一、琅琅上口的叠声词 英语中有很多叠声词(组),复合词或词组前后发音相近,读起来朗朗上口,富有音乐感。Tit for tat:针锋相对Tweedledum and tweedledee:半斤八两hum and haw:表示犹豫或支吾的嗯嗯呃呃”声cling-clang:叮当作响,铿锵声。...

  • The Beijing Summer Olympic Games proved to be a near-perfect success, not because the host country harvested the most gold medals and the second large...

  • A while ago when Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary, I wrote a blog to explain why it was unlikely for him to pick the latter...

  • At present I'm reading an autobiography by Lee Iacocca who is a legend in the US auto industry.Son of an immigrant Italian, who grew up during the...

  • By Patrick WhiteleyA Beijing newspaper was recently critical of its fellow citizens for trying too hard to paint a perfect, unrealistic picture of the...

  • Everyone wants to get the best education. A much heard cliché says 'knowledge is power' and I agree with this. Ideally, learning promis...

  • At the medal-awarding ceremony after the women's 10m air pistol shooting competition on Sunday, silver medalist Natalia Paderina from Russia and b...

  • 汉语和英语两种语言之间最基本的区别在于句法方面。英语重形合(hypotaxis),句中各意群、成分都用适当的连接词(connective)、介词(preposition)、非限定性动词短语(phrase)或从句(clause)等来表达其相互关系,因而结构严谨但缺乏弹性;而汉语句法则重意合(parat...

  • Usually one hates to admit he or she is wrong on a prediction. But I, for one, am more than glad to say I did not get it right on the Zhang Yimou-dire...

  • Progress through persistenceWhile working with International students at Australia's Charles Darwin University I remember the time two Chinese fri...