blow hot and cold 摇摆不定
2023-12-07每个人在生活中都要面对许多选择,有时候可能会摇摆不定”,难以抉择。摇摆不定”,意思是指心意犹豫不决,来回变化(irresolute and hesitant)。与英文习语blow hot and cold”意思相近,表示to be changeable or un...
A friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情
2023-12-07患难见真情”,意思是指只有经过共同的患难才能看出自己的知心朋友,与英文谚语A friend in need is a friend indeed”意思相同,表示A true friend is a person who will help you when you reall...
fly in the ointment 美中不足
2023-12-07美中不足”,字面意思是beautiful yet incomplete”,指总的方面虽然很好,但局部不够完善,有缺陷(a flaw in an apparently perfect thing)。与英文俗语fly in the ointment”意思相近,表示a ...
fits and starts 断断续续
2023-12-07断断续续”,或时断时续”,意思是时而中断,时而继续地接连下去(continue from time to time)。与英文惯用语fits and starts”意思相近,表示short, inconsistent, and irregular intervals...
see stars 眼冒金星
2023-12-07想一想,除了抬头望天之外,你还能在什么时候看到星星?——被撞倒或是被打到眼冒金星的时候。所以see stars又有眼冒金星”的意思。if you see stars, you are partly unconscious because you have been...
see the back of sb/sth 再也不愿见到
2023-12-07if you are pleased to see the back of someone or something, you are pleased that you no longer have to be involved with him, her, or it巴不得早点结束;再也不愿见到(...
see red 非常生气
2023-12-07to become very angry 非常生气;暴怒see red源于斗牛,公牛看到红色就会发怒。因此,see red意思是怒不可遏、火冒三丈”。例句:When Jim realized that he had been duped, he started to see red.当吉...
see the elephant 开眼界
2023-12-07see the elephant也可说成get a look/ sight at the elephant,意思是开眼界”、长见识”。为什么看到了大象就等于看到了世界”,就是见过世面了”?因为在see the elephant这句俚语诞生的年代,只有在...
be too common to surprise people 司空见惯
2023-12-07司空见惯”,汉语成语,司空”是古代官名,司空见惯现在指看惯了就不觉得奇怪,比喻某事常见,不足为奇。可以翻译为be too common to surprise people,be a common occurrence或It is quite common for...&rd...
be more than equal to a task 游刃有余
2023-12-07游刃有余”,意思是刀刃运转于骨节空隙中,有回旋的余地(have plenty of room for the play of a cleaver);比喻技术熟练,经验丰富,解决问题丝毫不费力。可以翻译为perform a job with high skill and great eas...