2023-11-24Oh, Lazy man! I'm twenty and proud that I've never fed myself! 我二十岁了,但是,以从来不会自己挣钱吃饭为傲。 I'd rather dream than study my chemistry. 我还是做我的梦,总...
2023-11-24Action! to play hopscotch 玩跳房子 to walk together 走在一起 to swing 打秋千 to fall down 掉下 to beat 殴打,打击 to teeter-totter 玩跷跷板 to be mugged 被袭击 to shoot 射击 to ...
2023-11-24What's Wrong With You? He has a headache and needs aspirin. 他头痛,需要阿斯匹林。 He cut his finger because he was careless. 他不小心割破了手指头。 He is having a temp...
2023-11-24Money, Money, Money. Two dollars and seventy-five cents. 二美元七角五分。 That makes ten dollars, right? 这加起来是十美元,对吗? Grocery bills are expensive. 食品价格昂贵。 I...
2023-11-24Think, Think…… to start the city planning 着手都市计划 to consider the statistics 细看统计(资料) to study the map 研究地图 to negotiate the agreement 商议同意 to argue wi...
2023-11-24Whose? I'm giving you a gift. 我送给你一件礼物。 We'll exchange presents. 我们要交换礼物。 I'll pick his wallet from his pocket. 我要从他的袋子里扒取钱包。 I like to pe...
2023-11-24Make It, Or Break It. to build with blocks 搭积木 to manufacture automobiles 生产汽车 baby 婴儿,宝贝 to make a model airplane 制造飞机模型 to construct a building 建造大楼...
2023-11-24第一天 Making FriendsWhen making new friends, there are usually three parts to the conversation you will have with your new friend. The first is the gree...
2023-11-24第三天 At the LibraryLibrarian: Can I help you?Natalie: Yes. I am a bit confused. My sociology class is supposed to read a chapter in a book called Socio...
2023-11-24第五天 A VISIT TO THE ADVISORIn this conversation, an international student has been asked to see her advisor. The advisor has something very important t...