
  • Many of us are guilty of jumping into an Uber after having one too many drinks.我们中的许多人都曾为在喝了太多酒之后跳上一辆优步出租车而感到内疚。But that could soon be about to change...

  • Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson are celebrating their engagement, according to multiple reports.多个报道称,爱莉安娜·格兰德和皮特·戴维森正在庆祝订婚。The two 'were telling ...

  • Netflix has banned its workers from looking at each other for more than five seconds as part of new bizarre no-flirting rules.作为新的奇怪的不能搭讪守则之一,奈飞公司禁止其员...

  • 大家好,今天英语君要给大家带来不一样的撩人情话!古有“东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴”双关语诗句,如今英语里面也有一些单词可以起到“一语双关”的作用,让大家用英语去搭讪你喜欢的小哥哥小姐姐哦!一起来看看吧~1.Call 打电话/称呼Call作为打电话的意思,大家应该都知道,比如工作中的“I'...

  • What is the nicest thing you've ever done for a complete stranger and vice versa?你为素不相识的人做过什么最好的事,或者素不相识的人为你做过什么 ? 获得23K好评的回答@Kittie Eubank:After ...

  • The first trailer for the remake of A Star Is Born, featuring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, has been released.翻拍电影《一个明星的诞生》已发布首款预告,该片由布莱德利·库珀和Lady Gag...

  • It may be 68 years old, but Disney's Cinderella doesn't look a day over 21.算起来她应该有68岁了,但是迪士尼的辛德瑞拉看起来从来没有超过21岁。Somehow, the loss of both her pa...

  • Hello,大家好,依然是你们可爱的英语君。最近的五一小长假大家有没有去哪里happy呢?有没有发生了什么有趣的事情呢?英语君就遇到了囧事:在旅途中偶遇外国友人,外国友人十分热情好客,邀请英语君深夜压马路,但是英语君实在是太累了,根本不想去,可是当时又找不到合适的表达来拒绝,真是窘迫呀!所以就有了这...

  • Use the internet often enough and you'll soon start to think that the world full of villains. But there are plenty of heroes who are there to prot...

  • 老外对整容的接受度其实,不光是在国内,欧美国家对于整容的接受度也越来越高。根据去年美国整形外科学会公布的数据来看,2016年美国人在整形美容方面的费用达到了新高——160亿美元。A new record has been set! The American Society of Plastic Su...

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