2023-11-24Meghan Markle has made it clear that she refuses to be manipulated by her father's 'emotional blackmail' after saying that she has heartle...
2023-11-24A three-year-old has been dubbed Britain's brainiest child with an IQ of 171 making her 'smarter than Einstein',who had an IQ of 160.一个智商1...
2023-11-24Politics, science, sport, technology and literature... it's impossible to find an area where women haven't made a powerful impact.政治、科学、体育、科技以...
2023-11-24Last week, Ivanka Trump admitted that family separation at the border “was a low point“ during her time in the White House—alluding that the human rig...
2023-11-24Angelina Jolie has accused Brad Pitt of failing to support their kids financially amid the couple's long-running divorce. Jolie's lawyer claim...
2023-11-24Meghan Markle has reportedly declined an invitation to the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles next month. 据报道,梅根·马克尔拒绝了下月于洛杉矶举办的艾美奖邀请函。The former Suits star i...
2023-11-24Hello,英语君又来了哦!最近天气是不是超级热的呀?英语君都快要热到昏厥了,今天我们就来谈谈与天气有关的表达吧!相信大家都知道rain,storm,windy之类的与天气有关的英语单词,但是仅仅知道这些是不够的哦!1.Under the weather 身体不适Under the weather“...
2023-11-24People who get too much sleep are at greater risk of an early death than those who get too little, research suggests. Experts found those who sleep fo...
2023-11-24学习(study/learn),是指通过阅读、听讲、思考、研究、实践等途径获得知识或技能的过程。有很多关于学习的英语谚语,比如说:All works no play makes Jack a dull boy.只学习不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。One is never too old to learn....
《When Can I See You Again》欢乐抖腿神曲
2023-11-24今天英语君要推荐一首抖腿神曲,来自Owl City的《When Can I See You Again》。这是2012年上映的电影《无敌破坏王》的主题曲,极具个人特色的电音风格很契合这部精彩欢乐的动画电影啦!有人说,听了Owl City的歌,就特别想出去玩,不想宅在家里,那就跟着这首歌动起来吧!贴心...