2023-11-24Lesson 11English in the Caribbean加勒比海英语When we hear the word English, we naturally think of the language spoken by those living in the United Kingdom ...
2023-11-24Lesson 12, The Louvre: The world's Best Museum?卢浮宫, 全世界最棒的博物馆?Paris, City of Light, and of art. A playland for lovers and a painter's dream. W...
2023-11-24Lesson 14,Alpine Treasures 乐在阿尔卑斯山From the Atlantic Ocean to the Ural Mountains stretches the continent of Europe. The most striking geographic featur...
2023-11-24Lesson 15 Webcams: Electronics tool or the end of privacy? 网络摄影机:电子工具还是隐私终结者? What are webcams? The word webcam is a compound word formed from two abb...
2023-11-2416, When is the best time?Some people go so far as to say that time does not really exist; it is all in the mind, they claim. Others note that accordi...
2023-11-2487. Traveling by Plane Traveling by plane is exciting, but it can also be very tiring. There are so many things to be done. You have to pay the airpor...
2023-11-2485. Beauty is Only Skin-deep It is natural for people to be attracted to beautiful things. It follows, therefore, that most women desire nothing but t...
2023-11-2488.BonVoyage! Joeisstandinginthecheck-inlineattheairport.Hehastwobagstocheckinandonecarry-on. A:Hello,sir.MayIhaveyourpassportandticket,please? J:Here...
2023-11-2486.MeandMyBigMouth Dukeisoutshoppingwithhiswife,Angel. D:HowcomeeverytimeI’moutshoppingwithyou,youbuynothingbutcosmetics? A:Don’tyouwantmetolookpretty...
2023-11-2490.WhatanIdiot! Lucyistalkingtoherboyfriend,Vic,abouttheirfriend,Randy. L:DidyouhearthatRandy’sgotAIDS? V:OhmyGod!Really?Howcome? L:Hebecameinfectedaf...