
  • Sun-soaking season is here, and that means if you don't lather up with sunscreen, you could be doing serious damage to your skin cells' DNA, s...

  • A British-based designer who claimed Meghan Markle's wedding gown was 'identical' to one of her own creations has had her Twitter account ...

  • Game of Thrones stars Kit Harington and Rose Leslie's highly-anticipated wedding finally has an official date—and it's coming up very soon.《权力...

  • 我们知道每年五月的第二个星期天是母亲节,其中关于母亲节这个节日的来源有着不同版本。母亲节(Mother’s Day)是一个感谢母亲的节日。母亲们在这一天通常会收到礼物,康乃馨被视为献给母亲的话,而中国的母亲花是萱草花,又叫忘忧草。康乃馨(Carnation)的花语:热情、魅力、不求代价的母爱、母亲之...

  • 这一集里,米其尔因为莉莉而整日神经紧绷,生怕出错;歌洛莉亚想到胖胖的曼尼穿着胖胖的斗篷在教室里蠢笨的扭着身体,一定会被别人嘲笑,赶紧让杰把排箫毁掉;克莱尔和菲尔比赛跑步,自己一直遥遥领先,却故意放慢了脚步,让菲尔赢得比赛。今天跟着英语君来看看“摩登家庭”如何表达自己的爱与关心。1. You are ...

  • Most parents photograph or film their children growing up, but James Breakwell has another way of documenting the precious moments he shares with his ...

  • Chinese police are increasingly relying on artificial intelligence as they take the motto “you can run, but you can't hide“ to a whole new level.中...

  • 小编导读:你还在为该选择什么样的彩妆而烦恼吗?看看女神们的推荐吧。詹妮弗·洛佩斯、金·卡戴珊以及其他三位好莱坞明星为大家推荐了几款高光彩妆。总有一款适合你!Jennifer Lopez's Loose Powders詹妮弗·洛佩斯的蜜粉(散粉,又名定妆粉) “I wanted it to b...

  • 1.overhear【原句】I couldn't help but overhear.(S04E10)【翻译】我不小心听到了你们的对话。【场景】Max她们和Oleg在出餐口处谈话,碰巧Han从另一侧走过来听到了他们的谈话。【讲解】Overhear v. 无意中听到;偷听。常见句型有①S+~+...

  • 今天给大家送来了本周英语课程的秒杀攻略,每天的优惠力度都不相同~英语君特地给大家挑选了性价比最高的8门优质课程,感兴趣的小伙伴赶紧下手哦!秒杀日:5.26零基础直达流利口语中级【全额奖学金班】推荐语:沪江金牌口语课,中外教联袂出击,轻松实现流利口语!课程介绍:1.掌握128个生活话题下的高频词汇,用...

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