
  • Eager beaver is a very hard-working individual, anxious to succeed.The person puts in many hours and is always busy. There is a strong desire for prom...

  • It means to promise to tell the truth in court. eg: At the trial you will be asked to tell your story under oath.Note:Under oath在法律上指发誓讲真话。例:在法庭上你必须发誓...

  • 当心,别上当


    送朋友、家人远行,这句挂在口边的告诫语当心、别上当”通常表达为Don't take any wooden nickels”。是不是觉得很奇怪,上当”跟木制镍币(wooden nickels)” 有什么关系?难道很久以前人们就知道用假币骗人了?没...

  • 英语中,俗语chip on one's shoulder”就是用来形容一个人蛮横好斗、火气冲天、爱寻衅吵架”的样子。 片语chip on one's shoulder”起源于18世纪早期,chip”原指一小块儿石头或木片”。...

  • 英语中,博得满堂彩、赢得众声喝彩”可用to bring down the house”来表达。奇怪,单看字面意——博得满堂彩”怎么能形容为让房子倒塌呢”?太不吉利了吧? 这里有个小故事。片语to bring down the h...

  • 英语中像到处都买得到、滥”得不值钱的便宜”货叫做a dime a dozen”。 1786年美国国会将十美分硬币定为a dime”。想一想,再穷的人手里也得有1毛钱”吧?很快,a dime”(10美分/一角硬币)普及众生,市面上...

  • 汉语中,化干戈为玉帛”语出《淮南子·原道训》,常用以比喻争战者能舍弃纷争、追求和平。英语中,俗语beat your swords into plowshares”可表达相同的意思。 由字面意把刀剑打磨成犁头”,我们可看出俗语中的sword&rdquo...

  • A while back means some time in the past.Also, a while ago. This term uses a while in the sense of “a short or moderate time,“ a usage dating from abo...

  • Absent without leave means to be away without permission or explanation. The term and its acronym, AWOL, originated in the American military during Wo...

  • Keep it down Keep it down means to be quiet, do not be noisy, pipe down Dad called to us, “Keep it down, eh. We're trying to go to sleep.“ Note:Ke...

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