美国之音1500基础听力词汇 F1
2023-12-06fact - n. something known or proved to be true factory - n. a building or group of buildings where goods are made fail - v. to not succeed; to not rea...
美国之音1500基础听力词汇 E3
2023-12-06extra - ad. more than normal, expected or necessary extreme - ad. more than the usual or accepted extremist - n. a person with strong religious or pol...
美国之音1500基础听力词汇 E2
2023-12-06equipment - n. things, tools or machines needed for a purpose or activity escape - v. to get free; to get away from; to get out of especially - ad. mo...
美国之音1500基础听力词汇 E1
2023-12-06early - ad. at or near the beginning, especially the beginning of the day; opposite late earn - v. to be paid in return for work done earth - n. the p...
美国之音1500基础听力词汇 D3
2023-12-06dry - ad. not wet; without rain during - ad. through the whole time; while (something is happening) dust - n. pieces of matter so small that they can ...
美国之音1500基础听力词汇 D2
2024-02-08dictator - n. a ruler with complete power die - v. to become dead; to stop living; to end diet - n. usual daily food and drink different - ad. not the...
美国之音1500基础听力词汇 D1
2023-12-06damage - v. to cause injury or destruction; n. harm; hurt or injury, usually to things dance - v. to move the body and feet to music; n. a series of s...
美国之音1500基础听力词汇 C4
2023-12-06control - v. to direct; to have power over convention - n. a large meeting for a special purpose cook - v. to heat food before eating it cool - ad. al...
美国之音1500基础听力词汇 C3
2023-12-06coal - n. a solid black substance used as fuel coalition - n. forces, groups or nations joined together coast - n. land on the edge of the ocean coffe...
美国之音1500基础听力词汇 C2
2023-12-06cat - n. a small animal that often lives with humans catch - v. to seize after a chase; to stop and seize with the hands cause - v. to make happen; n....