每年农历五月初五,是端午节,又称端阳节、浴兰节,苏轼就曾在《浣溪沙》中写道:轻汗微微透碧纨,明朝端午浴芳兰。 端午节起源于中国,是古代百越地区崇拜龙图腾的部族举行图腾祭祀的节日,因此有龙舟竞渡的习俗。后因楚国诗人屈原在端午跳汨罗江自尽,这一日被统治者定为纪念屈原的节日。虽然个别地区也有不同,但是后世的文人墨客已经认可了屈原和端午之间的紧密联系。 端午时节也是家人相聚的日子,包粽子、艾草煮水,我们用不同的习俗迎接这个开启盛夏的节日。从古至今,端午都是传统文化里浓墨重彩的一笔,只是如今,节日的氛围渐渐淡了。 今年端午,再来读读那些与端午和屈子有关的诗歌吧~ 肩舆任所适,遇胜辄留连。 ——《端午遍游诸寺得禅字》 译文: I go sight-seeing in my sedan-chair And stop where there's a scenic spot to see. Burning incense attracts me to go where I may have vegetable feast and tea. The gentle rain stops and then starts again, The little window looks gloomy and clean. Shut out from sunlight by the hills, the plain Is overspread with grass and trees so green. When I ascend the peak'd pagoda, all The boundless land extends before my eyes. The Northern Peak o'erlooks the city wall; On the Lake Zhenze float the cloudy skies. A quiet place affords me keen delight; In space immense I feel under no yoke. Still looking for some more secluded sight, I see from villages rise evening smoke. Come back, I write down my impression deep, Musing o'er it, I pass a sleepless night. Nor do the devoted monks take their sleep, They sit in meditation by lamplight. ——Visiting Temples on the Dragon Boat Festival 赏析: 《端午遍游诸寺得禅字》是苏轼创作,是诗人与友人端午节遍游诸寺所观所感。湖州五月,山色无岸,烟波浩渺,深沉开阔,是一首没有太多哀怨慨叹的记游诗。 整首诗没有一个固定的观察点,而是以时间为轴线不断变化,遇胜辄流连,随心而行。因此在这个翻译中,译者需要把握住人物和写景的核心点,否则就会显得散乱、不清晰。 在译文中,译者以I为主语,从第一人称展开叙述,景物虽多变化,但都落在诗人的眼中,对读者而言也更有代入感。 burning incense、vegetable feast and tea、gentle rain、little window,焚香、酌茗、微雨、小窗,一个个意象跃然而出,为了前后的逻辑通顺,译文还多次用v-ing表示伴随动作。 四面环山,草木葱郁,孤灯古佛,晚烟夜禅,苍然一片。若端午时节见此情景,也该是欢喜的。 木兰之枻沙棠舟,玉箫金管坐两头。 ——《江上吟》 译文: In a ship pf spice-wood with unsinkable oars, Musicians at both ends, we drift along the shores. We have sweet wine with singing girls to drink our fill, And so the waves may carry us where'er they will。 Immortals could not fly without their yellow crane; Unselfish men might follow white gulls to the main. The verse of Qu Ping shines as bright as sun and moon, While palaces of Chu vanish like dreams at noon. Seeing my pen in verse, even the mountains shake; Hearing my laughter proud, the seaside hermits wake. If worldly fame and wealth were things to last forever, Then northwestward would turn the eastward-flowing river. ——Song on the River 赏析: 《江上吟 》是李白所作,江上遨游、泛舟行乐时感叹现实,忍不住蔑弃的现实和不胜渴求的自由。这不是一首描述端午的诗句,但因为提起屈子和极为相似的浪漫文风放在这里一读。 与苏轼的记游诗不同,李白的描述更华丽,超世绝尘。“木兰之枻沙棠舟,玉箫金管坐两头”,整首诗翻译的难点在于呈现这种修饰后的描写。 译文基本以具体陈述为主,在前几句并未完全还原诗文的恣肆豪情。 但很喜欢“屈平辞赋悬日月,楚王台榭空山丘”一句的翻译: The verse of Qu Ping shines as bright as sun and moon, 悬日月和空山丘的处理巧妙又恰当,用dreams at noon暗指一梦浮沉,醒来皆是空,旧时楚国王室已经满目荒凉。尽诗酒之兴,极声色之娱,这首诗比之《将进酒》也不差,傲岸睥睨的气势贯穿始终。 西风一夜剪芭蕉, ——《忆王孙》 译文: All night the west wind cuts the banana leaves; ——Tune: "Remembering the Prince"(Yi Wang-sun) 赏析: 《忆王孙·西风一夜剪芭蕉》是清代词人纳兰性德的词作。这首词并非端午所作,是写在寂寥萧索的秋日里。与李白的《江上吟》不同,这里提到屈原的《离骚》没有湘江远去的开阔,更多是一种郁郁不得志的愁闷。 “西风一夜剪芭蕉。倦眼经秋总寂寥?”两句的译文中,译者放弃第一人称的视角,以west wind和wearied eyes开头;“强把心情付浊醪”中则把不甘心的愁绪化作Grudgingly这个词。 三藩之乱未平,心中情绪翻涌,这首词如同《离骚》一般,有着惆怅和不甘。 纳兰还有一首词是端午时节写雨中眺望——《摸鱼儿·午日雨眺》,更应景,但可惜没找到英译本,“霏霏漠漠如雾,滴成一片鲛人泪,也似汨罗投赋”仍然借屈原感怀。 摸鱼儿·午日雨眺 涨痕添、半篙柔绿,蒲梢荇叶无数。台榭空蒙烟柳暗,白鸟衔鱼欲舞。红桥路,正一派、画船萧鼓中流住。呕哑柔橹,又早拂新荷,沿堤忽转,冲破翠钱雨。 榴花妖艳,菖蒲酒美,大家端午快乐! |