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To learn the ropes 熟悉工作



LH: 我实在搞不清楚怎么用图书馆的电脑系统。我好怕我会做错什么事情。

LL: Don't worry, Li Hua. You'll figure it out. It takes a little while to learn the ropes at a new job.

LH: Larry, 你在说什么啊?To learn the ropes? 我是在图书馆工作,又不是在体育馆里呢。我干吗要学习拉绳索。再说,图书馆里也没有绳索啊? To learn the ropes 熟悉工作

LL: No (laughing). "To learn the ropes" is an expression. It means to learn how to do something, especially something related to work.

LH: 噢,to learn the ropes就是学会怎么做某件事,特别是指跟工作有关的事。这个用法好奇怪噢。你知道这个常用语是怎么来的吗?

LL: The expression is related to sailing. When sailors first started working on a boat, they had to learn which ropes were attached to which sails.

LH: 原来这是从航海而来。没错,这水手一开始学必须学会哪条绳索是控制哪个风帆的。我也希望我能赶快学会图书馆的一套工作,不然我可能要被开除了!

LL: Don't worry, Li Hua. Everyone needs some time to learn the ropes at a new job. I'm sure your boss knows that.更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

LH: 对,每个人到一个新的工作岗位都需要时间才能熟悉自己的工作。可是我真想表现好一些,不让我老板失望。

LL: I'm sure you won't. When I started my most recent job, it took me about three weeks to learn the ropes.

LH: 你花了三个星期才学会你现在的工作啊?那你在那三个星期里有没有犯错呢?

LL: Of course, but no one minded because they knew that I was still learning the ropes.

LH: 你的同事真好。他们知道你是新人,所以你犯错,他们都很包容。那如果你现在还犯错,他们会怎么样?

LL: I don't have that excuse anymore, but my boss is still relatively understanding. He knows that everyone makes mistakes from time to time.

LH: 你现在再犯错误就没有借口了。可是,你的老板真好,很能理解工作人员。我希望我的老板也能如此。不过,谢谢你的安慰,Larry!

