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爱思英语编者按:一堆朋友出去玩,如果有人行为乖张,屡屡引人侧目,大家就会齐声讨伐说:“别在这儿丢人现眼了!” 咱们今天来看看这句话的好多种英文表达方式,改天可以用英文讨伐这样的家伙。

Don't make a fool of yourself. 别丢人现眼了!

Don't play the fool. 别丢人了。

Don't make an ass out of yourself. 别现眼了。更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

Stop acting like a fool. 别傻了。

Think about where you are. 请注意场合。

You should consider where you are. 请注意场合。

Act your age. 你也不看看你多大了。

You should act your age. 你也不看看你多大了。

Behave in accordance with what is expected of your age! 你的行为举止应该跟你的年龄相符。

You should behave more maturely. 你该表现得更成熟些。

You shouldn't act like a child. 别像个孩子似的。

You should get your head out of the clouds. 你的想法太离谱了。

Don't make such stupid mistakes again! 别再犯这种愚蠢的错误了。
