
: 英语巴士网英语基础英语口语英语基础内容详情








1. 强调自己的观点:
I won't write to him unless he writes to me first.  
I mean it./I’m serious.

2. 向别人提建议:
I would advise you to get up earlier on Mondays, because there's always a traffic jam.
You’d better to take a second think on the job offer.
If I were you, I would have deleted all those junk mails.

3. 表达偏好:
I would like to take a walk rather than watch TV this weekend.
 I would rather stay at home than go shopping on such humid day.
I like apple pie more than pizza.

4. 表达不高兴:
I wouldn't feel happy if you didn't come to my birthday party.
I don’t want to hear that from you anymore.
This conversation is over.
No comments.
Please leave me alone.

5. 表达高兴:
I’m excited/thrilled to be invited as today’s honored guest.
You look like a gay dog!
Today’s somebody’s big day!
Today is a red letter day!
What a nice surprise to meet you here!

7. 表达好恶:
I'm(not) interested in joining the English corner.
That’s(not) my cup of tea.
I’m(not) a big fan of basketball.
I’m(not) a basketball-holic/work-holic.
I’m fond of travelling around.
I’m absorbed in the novel.
I can’t find any attraction here.

8. 吸引别人注意/引起话题:
Guess what? Tom said he won the $500,000 lottery!
You’ll never know who’s won the election this time.
Does that ring a bell to you?

9. 警告讨厌的人:
Don't over-do it.
You’ve crossed the line this time.
Leave me alone, please.
This should be the last time for that.
No trick!

10. 表示质疑/怀疑:
I doubt whether Susan has done the homework by herself.
You can’t be serious.
Do you mean/Are you saying that Mary is splitting with her husband? That can’t be true!
You must be kidding/joking!
Are you crazy/insane?
Are you out of your mind?
What’s the problem of you!

11. 表赞同:
You bet!
I’m with you.
I’m on your side!
You can say that again!
I can’t agree with you anymore!

12. 表不赞同:
I can’t say.
That doesn’t make any sense.
I won’t buy it.

13. 恭维别人:
That’s very impressive!
I’m impressed/ I’m impressed by all what you’ve done here.
It’s beyond my wildest expectation.
It’s more than fantastic!

14. 提出不同意见:
No offense, but you look bigger in that white suit.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think it’s the good time for you to buy a new house.
Sorry, but I should say no on your plan.

15. 打断别人的谈话:
Could you please give me a minute?
Sorry to interrupt you, but the time is limited.
Ok, can we just skip that part?

16. 介绍突发情况:
Hey guys, we need plan B.
Sorry to tell you in the last minute, but today’s meeting has been canceled.
Sorry for the short notice, but the meeting has been canceled.

17. 表示遗憾:
What a pity!
It’s a shame that Bill has to resign.

18. 欢迎别人:
We’re so glad to have you here!
Nice talking to you!
You’re coming at the right time!

19. 表示提议:
Let’s make it at 5 pm today.
Let’s call it a day.

20. 表示让步:
Well, you’re the boss.
It’s up to you.
You have the final say.
Yes, I’m listening.

21. 和别人确认没听清的事情:
Can you say that again, please?
Do you mean that you want to go abroad?
You’ve just said you want to quit the job, is that true?

22. 事不关己/不感兴趣/不理睬:
Who cares?
That’s none of my business.
Every time I meet Alice, she just gives me a cold shoulder.
