爱思英语编者按:看电影,聊电影,吐槽电影太烂,或是力挺最爱的影片,英文你会说吗?今天就一起来用英文聊聊电影吧! 用地道英文聊聊看过的电影 奥斯卡颁奖前夜,《暮色》系列电影的完结篇《暮色4:破晓(下)》勇夺六项金酸莓大奖(Razzie awards),成为年度烂片王。看电影,聊电影,吐槽电影太烂,或是力挺最爱的影片,英文你会说吗?今天就一起来用英文聊聊电影吧! 1. A lot of adaptions are really quite terrible, aren't they? 2. It's a classic. It's got a brilliant cast, there are so many excellent actors in it. Plus there are some very good cameo roles. 3. This movie is a waste of time and precious brain cells. 4. Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood's all-time favourite actresses. 5. The special effects are excellent, with the explosions and the people being blown up. It looks so real. 6. The movie was a bomb. 7. The music was so good that I'm going to buy the soundtrack. 8. They ruined it when they dubbed it into Chinese from English. 9. The actor playing the father was too wooden. 10. It is a film with gripping plot. |