英语魔鬼口语1000句汇总 1. I’m just a tinpot manager. 我只是个小小的经理。 2. She gave me a brush-off. 她对我爱搭不理的。 3. The writing is on the wall. 不祥之事就要发生。 4. We’re expecting a full house tonight. 今晚将座无虚席。 5. Cross the bridge when we get to it. 车到山前必有路。 6. I’m of two minds. 我犹豫不定。 7. This is a perennial problem. 这是个老大难问题。 8. That’s not saying much. 这话等于没说。 9. She wears skimpy dresses. 她穿着暴露。 10. Don’t learn it by rote. 别死记硬背。 |