英语魔鬼口语1000句汇总 1. He was met with hoots of derision. 人们冲他喝倒彩。 2. In the end I just lost it. 最后我还是发火了。 3. That’s vindictive. 这是在报复。 4. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. 会哭的孩子有糖吃。 5. I admire your serenity. 真佩服你的冷静。 6. My wife is the gnome of Zurich. 财政大权在我老婆手里。 7. It’s amateurish. 太不专业了。 8. Stop papering over your cracks. 别描了,越描越黑。 9. My enthusiasm was blunted. 我的心凉了一半。 10. Well, the knives are out for me. 这下可好,大家都冲我来了。 |