英语魔鬼口语1000句汇总 1. The pressure continued unabated. 压力丝毫未减。 2. She’s an iron hand in a velvet glove.她外柔内刚。 3. My husband is a lucid speaker. 我老公说话很清晰。 4. The business is on the ropes.生意岌岌可危。 5. Many girls want to marry into the purple.很多女孩都想嫁入豪门。 6. I have a strange foreboding.我有一种不祥的感觉。 7. Take it with a grain of salt.别全当真。 8. He got the pink slip.他被解雇了。 9. Ignorance is bliss. 无知是福。 10. You’ve been living in a fool’s paradise.你傻并快乐着。 |