爱思英语编者按:说话慢吞吞,做事爱磨叽,中文我们常说这个人太“蘑菇”了,总是磨磨蹭蹭! 英文里如何形容一个人动作慢,总爱浪费时间呢? 今天我们就一起来看看英文里的“大蘑菇”吧! 1. What's the hold-up? 2. He's such a slug. 3. We need to stop dillydallying and get to work. 4. Hurry up! There's no time to dawdle. 5. I suggest you study more and fool around less. 6. She just sits around watching television all day. 7. Stop being so poky. 8. We're going to be late if that slowpoke doesn't hurry up. |