爱思英语编者按:这些搭讪语虽然看起来很浮夸,但是绝对能成功吸引妹子的注意。有时候留下一个油腔滑调的印象总比毫无印象要好很多吧,说不定有的妹子就是好这口呢? 18 Pickup Lines You Should Try Immediately 1. Are you a campfire? Because I’m having a great time around you. 2. Are you an angel? Because you look like you just fell from a fairly high altitude. Are you OK 3. I like my men how I like my sleep: full of dreams! 4. There isn’t a word in the dictionary for how good you look. But if I had to make one up, it would probably be something like “Oooooooooosuperhottie.” 5. Put down that cupcake. You’re sweet enough already. ;) OK, give me the cupcake. 6. I noticed your arm grazed against my sweater. Pretty soft, huh? Go ahead, feel it. Do you know what it’s made of? Cashm-—CRAP, I mean, “boyfriend material.” I’m sorry. I’m really nervous. 7. Are you a thief? Because you stole my heart. You’ll be hearing from my lawyer! See you in COURT, buddy. 8. We better find the janitor because I need him to pick up my jaw. 9. Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you. I’m suing your ass. See you in court, buddy. 10. Do you have a map? Great, thanks. Have a good night. 11. Let’s get out of here. (I just farted.) 12. My Lord, news from the West: In the Castle of the Mountains, a warrior has fallen. The Queen of the Sun has seduced the King of War. 13. I bet I can guess your weight. 14. Let’s DO this thing! 15. *tap-on-the-wrong-shoulder trick* 16. WAZZZZZUP? 17. *Opening monologue from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off* 18. I wanna live in your shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |