英语魔鬼口语1000句汇总 1. you’re squaring the circle. 不要白费力气了。 2. the first goal was just a fluke. 第一个球是蒙进去的。 3. we vet all applicants. 我们要详细调查所有的申请人。 4. tailored teaching is the name of the game. 因材施教最重要。 5. i tell the class in my opening salvo. 每次开新课我都会跟学生讲清楚。 6. bodies were strewn everywhere. 尸横遍野。 7. it went off half-cocked. 走火了。 8. she made a splash with the song. 这首歌让她一夜成名。 9. don’t be so argumentative. 你怎么老抬扛啊? 10. she gave me the once-over. 她迅速打量了我一下。 英语魔鬼口语1000句汇总 |