中国地产大亨王健林日前说,年轻人想成为首富没什么不对,但建议先定一个“小目标”,譬如“挣它一个亿(指人民币1亿元,)”。这番霸气说法随即在网络爆红。 报道称,谈到“心有多大,舞台就有多大”时,王健林说,很多年轻人一见面就说“我要当首富,我要做世界最大的公司”,细谈从何处着手却答不出来。 "Set a small target first, like earning 100 million yuan ($15m)." “一个亿小目标”a "small" target of "100 million yuan"随即在网上走红。 Some users jokingly commented: "Now I understand, Wang's wealth of 170 billion yuan is actually made up by 1,700 small targets." Other said: "Thinking of his wealth, this is indeed a small target." Some even cited Armstrong's famous line in another way, "That's one small step for Wang, but a giant leap for mankind." 【词语辨析】 aim, goal, purpose, end, target, object, objective 这些名词均有"目标、目的"之意。那么它们之间有什么区别呢? aim 多注重于“目的”---事物发展的最终结果。这个“目标”是非主观的。 My remarks were not aimed at you. goal 侧重于长期、主观愿意的,尤其常用在表示“愿望”“理想”上面。 It's a matter of setting your own goals and following them. purpose 是普通用词,既指以坚决、审慎的行动去达到的目的,又指心中渴望要实现的目标。 He hinted about the purpose of his visit. end 指心目中怀着的某种目的,强调结果而非过程。较正式用词。 The police force is being manipulated for political ends. target 指射击的靶,军事攻击目标。一般指把……作为想要实现的目标或指标,引申指被攻击、批评或嘲笑的目标。 The company has targeted a profit for the year. object 强调个人或需求而决定的目标、目的。 objective与object基本同义,但语义更广泛,指具体或很快能达到的目的,也可指军事目标。是书面用词。 He made it his object in life to find the island. 有网友感叹:“做人就要脚踏实地,就像王健林说的,先定一个小目标。”也有网友说:“小目标还是要有的,不然和咸鱼有什么区别,今天周一,你的目标定好了吗?”、“土豪的世界,我们凡人不懂”等等。 霸气侧漏有木有?再来看看王健林其他的“豪言壮语”: 公开叫板迪士尼 此前,王健林还曾公开叫板迪士尼,声称要让迪士尼在中国二十年不盈利。 "Wanda would make it impossible for Disney China to make profit in the next 10 to 20 years." 我们的目标是---收购好莱坞“六大” 据外媒报道,大连万达集团计划今年在美国完成两笔金额超过十亿美元的电影收购计划,而集团的下一个收购目标更直指“好莱坞六大”(Big Six)。 "My goal is to buy Hollywood companies and bring their technology and capability to China," Wang said. "We are interested not only in Paramount, but in all of them. If one of the Big Six would be willing to be sold to us, we would be interested," Wang said. "Only the six are real global film companies, while the rest are not. If we are to build a real movie empire, this is a necessary step." |