万圣节idioms 学俗语也能很刺激!
一年一度的万圣狂欢就要告一段落啦!有没有趁周末尽情happy呢? 还没玩够也不要太难过,毕竟,万圣节都过了,圣诞节还会远吗! 今天为大家准备了几个与万圣节息息相关的英语俗语,切记在玩乐中也不能松懈英语学习哦! Blood run cold Meaning: This means you are so frightened that you can feel it all over. Example: The rage in his eyes made her blood run cold. Devil's advocate Meaning: Someone who plays "devil's advocate" is a person who argues an unpopular opinion for the sake of the argument. Example: So let me play devil's advocate and consider the positive case for buying a home right now. Dig one's grave Meaning: You are 'digging your own grave' when you do something which you know will cause you trouble. Example:You will dig your own grave and go to hell! Like a bat out of hell Meaning: This term is used to describe something that happens very quickly or suddenly. Example: You will be flying like a bat out of hell. Over my dead body Meaning: This is used when you refuse to let someone do something. Example: 'We'll have her over for dinner.' — 'Over my dead body!' Skeleton in the closet Meaning: Someone with "skeletons in their closet" is someone who has something they don't want to tell you about. Example: Everyone has a skeleton in the closet. Stab in the back
Meaning: This common phrase refers to a friend or acquaintance betraying you for their own personal gain. Example: Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back. |