6月是个离别的站台,高考结束了,大四的学子们也将正式地离开校园了。朋友圈刮起的那股酸楚感概,也让不少早已离开校园的成年人,开始有些怀恋起那双在校道里牵过的手,和埋在手机里冗长却甜蜜的通宵短信。不管你还没毕业,或者刚毕业,又或是老早就毕业了,今天想问问你,你对初恋了解多少? 1.初恋这件小事。 对于初恋我们可以用Calf love或Puppy love的表达。 我们来看看《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》中对这个初恋的怎么定义的: temporary infatuation or love of an adolescent for a member of the opposite sex. e.g.When Jack and Lucy began going around together in junior high school, their parents said it was just calf love. e.g. It's just puppy love-you'll grow out of it. 2.说起初恋,我那都是一个人的故事。 其实,大部分的人的初恋,一开始都是从暗恋开始的。 暗恋:have a crush on sb 对于暗恋,我们可以用Crush来表达。Crush除了有压碎;粉碎的意思以外,还有迷恋的意思,也有类似一见钟情的意思。有人形容crush是热烈却短暂的迷恋,像是“开盖中奖,再来一瓶”,但人生中往往不会只中一瓶。 e.g. Back in high school, I had a crush on you. e.g. You probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you. 3.曾近我们也是青梅竹马。 都说上学的时间最令人怀念,这很大部分是因为可以长期地和同龄人在一起,有着同样的兴趣爱好和共同话题。可是毕业后,大家就要各分东西。所以俗话说:最难得的青梅竹马,两小无猜。 青梅竹马:childhood sweetheart e.g. She eventually married her childhood sweetheart. e.g. To woo your childhood sweetheart. woo:vt. 追求;招致;向…求爱;恳求 e.g. He wooed the actress before marriage. 4.毕业,就意味着分手或者异地恋。 很多毕业生都会因为双方相隔甚远而选择分手。其实大家远的不是距离,而是心。 ①分手:Break up e.g. My girlfriend had broken up with me. e.g. I was sure you were going to break up with me. ②异地恋:long-distance relationship 有人说,异地恋就像是半只单身狗,恋人总在手机里,或者电脑里。本来最需要的拥抱,在异地恋中可能也只会是从手机里传来的一句: 你还好吗? e.g. He had moved to Chicago for work, and in a long-distance relationship their moments together were precious. e.g.The university years then show how the pair left their hometown and strived tomaintain a long-distance relationship, which confronted them with many a real-life challenges. |