在很大程度上,世界上许多国家说的英语都和美式英语一样。是的这样没错,但是在口语、拼写和口音上,确实会有和美国不同的地方,甚至在美国的不同地区都是有区别的。所以,要做到能让美国人完全理解你,可不是那么简单的事情哟。 Part.2 Interacting with Americans 1、Make an effort to communicate in English.Don't expect everyone to know or understand your unique dialect. The US is an immigrant nation and has always welcomed newcomers to their country. However, they seldom learn to speak other languages. 95% of Americans will never travel to all 50 of the United States much less travel abroad, so if they don't understand you well or speak your language... don't think they are ignorant, they are just practical. 努力用英语交流。别期望每个人都能明白或理解你独特的表达。美国是一个移民国家,一直欢迎新移民的到来。然而,他们很少学习其他语言。95%的美国人永远都不会把本国的50个州都游一遍,更别说出国了,所以如果他们不能很好地理解明白你,或你的语言……不要认为他们是无知的,他们只是很讲究实用。 2、Approach interactions with a sense of humor.If you do not speak good English, don't be offended if an American jokes or laughs when you say something that doesn't make sense to them. For some Americans, laughter can be a way of trying to reduce the frustration with language barriers; it isn't intended disrespectfully. Just laugh too, as it is common and natural for misunderstandings in the beginning. 和幽默感打交道。如果你英语说得不好,当你说一些他们无法听懂的东西时,不要感到被美国人的玩笑或笑声所冒犯。对一些美国人来说,笑是可以减少语言障碍带来的挫败感的一种方式;它并非是有意无礼的。也只需笑一笑,因为在一开始开始的时候,误解是常见和自然的。 3、Don't make assumptions based on one person's behavior.You might meet someone friendly, or someone rude, but that doesn't mean they represent all Americans. Additionally, attitudes can vary depending on where you are and who you're talking to; the attitude of people in large cities may be somewhat different than the attitude of those living in rural or farming communities. People in major cities tend to do things more briskly and may seem rude to you. Please don't generalize this as a representation of how the USA acts. If three New Yorkers are rude to you, don't go home and tell all your friends, "Americans are rude.” 不要基于一个人的行为而做出假设。你可能会遇到友好的人,或是粗鲁的人,但这并不是说他们就代表了所有的美国人。此外,会因你所在的地方及与你谈话的人,(他们的)态度会有所不同;大城市居民的态度可能与乡村或农耕社区居民的态度有几分不同。大城市里的人做事更迅速效率,对你似乎很粗鲁。请不要一概而论,认为这就是美国的表现方式。如果有三个纽约人对你粗鲁无礼,别回家告诉你所有的朋友说:“美国人很粗鲁。” 4、Try to speak a 'little' louder when you're talking to someone in America.It's perfectly acceptable over in the States, and it creates an atmosphere of congeniality. 当你在美国和别人说话时,试着稍微大声一点。在美国这是完全可以接受的,它创造了一种意气相投的氛围。 5、Be polite and considerate.Don't always speak what’s on your mind, if it might sound offensive. That doesn't mean mute all of your thoughts but try to construct them in a way that won't offend your host. Manners matter, and it's important to be gracious, considerate, and kind, especially to an American who's hosting you in their home. 要礼貌、体贴。不要老是把你的想法说出来,如果听起来会很无礼的话。这并不是说对你所有的想法都要保持沉默,而是尝试以一种不会冒犯招待你的主人的方式来构建它们。礼仪是件大事,保持礼貌、体贴、善良很重要,尤其是对一个在自己家里招待你的美国人。 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |