农贸交易忙 害虫好搬家(3/3)
《标准美音模仿秀》是一档沪江部落的原创口语互动节目(),主持人截取30秒左右的英语音频,然后对音频进行重点讲解和示范模仿,并对大家递交的口语模仿作品进行一对一的点评,想要练习纯正美音的童鞋赶快行动起来吧! 去沪江部落订阅本节目!今日主持人:emilyweston 20秒音频:
模仿文本: It's difficult to estimate how much damage agricultural pests do every year, but it's believed to be in the billions. Countries that have pests may not want trading partners to know the full extent of the problem. The coordinator of the International Plant Protection Convention says it's easier and cheaper to prevent a pest problem than it is to get rid of one. 农业害虫每年造成的损失难以计算,一般认为有数十亿美元。有害虫问题的国家一般不会让贸易伙伴获知事情的严重性。国际植物保护公约组织的协调人说相比于事后处理害虫问题,事前防范更加的简单经济。 重点单词发音讲解:
重点单词发音图解: 想要得到主持人专业的点评和意见吗? |