英语面试 | 常问题及回答技巧
大家应该已经掌握了一定英语面试技巧,但是,大家对它的运用可能还是不太熟悉。今天,小编为大家准备了相关的面试问答知识,将要为大家来讲解一下:英语面试常问题及正确回答方式,一起来看看吧! >>Question 1: Can you tell me something about your education? 问题1:能说一说你的教育背景吗? 有些雇主和职位会比较看重教育背景,名校毕业或者MBA学位等资历可能会加分。但是,如果你的教育背景不是那么出色,你可以重点讲一讲你在过去的经历中学习到的丰富知识,不用在毕业学校这一类事情上太纠结。 【回答范例】 I have studied at ABC University. I acquired knowledge of statistics, project management and process management. I was active during my studies and took part in practical projects and courses too. Overall my studies were pretty practical and I believe to be ready for job of a project manager. >>Question 2: Can you tell us something more about your working experience? 问题2:你能不能多跟我们说说你的工作经历? 回答这个问题的时候,挑一些跟目前应聘的职位最相关的工作经验说一说即可。当然,如果你之前只有一个工作经验,那么,无论是否有关都得好好说一说了。 【回答范例】 I have done lot of things in my life. It helped me to gain a good overall understanding of business. From 2001 to 2004 I worked as a project manager for Siemens. We were working mostly on smaller energetic projects, water plants built on rivers. I believe that I can utilize the knowledge and contacts I gained there in your company. I learned how to budget the projects and lead it from the scratch to completion and success. From my other working experience I can mention my role of marketing manager I hold in CDE from 1998 to 2001 and my freelancing experience from 2005 to 2009. If you want, we can discuss it in detail. >>Question 3: Why should we hire you? 问题3:我们为什么要聘用你? 这是面试中最难回答的一个问题。不过,要是回答好了,绝对能给面试加分。在这个问题上,你还拿出之前自我介绍那一套说辞是不行的,你得把你的“独特卖点”拿出来,有什么特质是你用而别的应聘者没有的?你能为这个公司带来什么明显的收益? 【回答范例】 I have a relevant experience and I am strongly motivated to work for your company, as it has always been my dream to work there. I fulfill all the job requirements. However, I am sure some other applicants do fulfill it too. But I am a nice guy and always try to create a good atmosphere on the workplace. This helps, especially nowadays, when people are stressed and negative about everything. I believe that I bring success with me. All the companies where I worked were prospering. It is good to have such a worker in your team, isn’t it? 怎么样,看完了这篇文章,大家是不是对英语面试常问题及正确回答方式有了初步的了解了呢?喜欢就赶快收藏起来吧~ |