萌坏14万网友的新加坡双胞胎宝宝 肉嘟嘟耶
Are these the cutest Insta-babies yet? Adorable chubby-cheeked twins become online hit with their matching outfits and colourful costumes. 这俩宝宝是不是Instagram上最可爱的宝宝呢?胖胖小脸蛋儿,穿着五颜六色的服装,他们的照片已经是Ins上的热点啦~ Twin girls Leia and Lauren, from Singapore, have gained more than 141,000 followers on the social media platform. 这对双胞胎女宝宝分别叫Leia和Lauren,来自新加坡,在社交媒体平台上已经拥有了超过14万的粉丝。 Mother Amber Yong started posting pictures of the two, who are known as the 'Momo Twins', shortly after their birth eight months ago. 宝妈Amber Yong八个月前在宝宝出生后就开始晒宝宝的照片了,而且还给照片取了名字叫“亲亲宝贝”。 What's cooking: Twins Leia and Lauren (above) may be the cutest babies on Instagram. (烹饪主题照)Leia和Lauren可能是Ins上最萌的宝宝了。 |