A fascinating new map has revealed what London’s packed pavements and congested roads used to look like during much simpler times. 一组让人惊叹的地图展现了英国伦敦在那些朴实年代里熙熙攘攘的街道画面。 The composite images blend modern street views of tourist crowds, hybrid buses, construction zones and chicken shops with vintage snaps from as far back as the late 1800s, when the roads were used by horse-drawn carriages. 这些合成照片组合了伦敦现代街头的旅游人群、混合动力公交车、建筑群以及烤鸡店,还有早在19世纪的老照片。当时的伦敦,路上还都是马车。 Using Google Street View, the map displays now-and-then images of 14 locations, from Clapham Common and Buckingham Palace to Oxford Circus and Fleet Street. 通过运用谷歌街头视角,这些地图展示了包括克拉芬公园、白金汉宫牛津街和舰队街在内的14个地方。 A shot of Fleet Street from 1890s shows horse-drawn carriages travelling along a narrow dirt road, with St Paul’s Cathedral in the distance. 上图是19世纪90年代舰队街上的马车沿着狭窄而泥泞的街道行驶,不远处是圣保罗大教堂。 |