I made these photos throughout 2014 and plan to continue on this project with more animals of different kinds – I’m thinking lions, wolves, apes, walruses and pretty much anything else. Pandas are of course the ultimate dream, so if anybody has a panda who wouldn’t mind if I photographed it, you can drop me a line where I live in Amsterdam! 2014年一整年我都在制作这些照片,我计划后续拍摄更多的动物,比如狮子、狼、猩猩、海象等其他动物。当然熊猫是我的终极梦想了!如果有人不介意我给他的熊猫拍照的话,就请给我写信吧,我在阿姆斯特丹。 It’s not easy working with animals, especially when trying to get them to do the three things I need for a photo (mouth closed, sitting still, looking at at the lens). 要让这些小家伙们配合好那可不是件容易的事,尤其是让他们试着做三件事(需要拍照时摆的pose,闭着嘴,坐着不动,看镜头。) Hurko, a deaf Dalmatian who responds to sign language. 上图是Hurko——他是只达尔马提亚狗,耳聋了,但能看懂手语。 |