The question is, has the world gone nuts? It certainly looks like a lot of people are being driven by fear, hatred and greed. 问题来了:这个世界是不是已经疯了?看起来确是如此,因为许多人都在被恐惧、仇恨和欲望所驱使。 Losing our sanity is about getting so absorbed in what someone else thinks that we're no longer in touch with our own sensibility. It's believing that we are right so everyone else must be wrong. It's thinking that bloodshed, violence or guns will actually solve something. It's believing that the real enemy is 'them', and that by eradicating 'them' we make ourselves safe. 失去理智,即意味着沉迷于他人的观念之中,从而失去了自身的辨识力;抑或意味着笃信我们自己一定是正确的,所以别人肯定错了;抑或是认为流血、暴力和枪杀能实际解决问题;也意味着相信我们真正的敌人是“他者”,并认为只要铲除他者,我们就安全了。 None of the above makes any sense in a sane world. Gaining our sanity means we know the difference between right and wrong, we know that two wrongs don't make a right. It's knowing that kindness wins every time. It's knowing that the one who shouts the loudest invariably needs the most help. It's knowing that sharing, communicating with, and helping each other is the best way to ensure our continued existence. 如果世界是理智的,所有这些都毫无道理。保持理性,就是我们要明辨是非,我们知道错上加错不会让问题得到纠正,知道善良永远会战胜邪恶,知道吼声最凶的人一定是最需要帮助的人,知道分享、交流和互相帮助才是让我们长久生存下去的最佳方法。 Chaos is natural — our universe is organized chaos — so to find our sanity in the midst of this is vital. Life is unpredictable, everything is constantly changing, the only security is knowing there is none. A renown meditation teacher once said that there should be no difference between meditating in a cave or in the chaos of a city, as stillness is inside us and not dependent on external circumstances. 混乱是一种自然的状态——我们的宇宙本身就是一个有序的混乱体——所以在混乱的世界中求得理性就尤为重要。生活不可预知,万事都在永恒的变化之中,唯一可以确定的是世界上根本没有确定性的东西。一位著名的冥想师曾说过,在山洞中冥想和在喧嚣的城市中冥想其实并无分别,因为宁静是存在于我们心中而不是外部环境中的。 Think of the sky that has clouds, storms, rain, snow, tornados, lightening, thunder, yet behind IT all is the sky, unchanging. Beneath our tears and grief, beneath the dramas and conflicts, there is a very sane, still and calm place we can rest in. 想想气象万千的天空,可能云层密布,可能暴雨倾盆,抑或雨水纷纷,可能下雪、刮台风,或许电闪雷鸣;可是,在这些喧嚣背后,天空永远宁静。在我们的泪水和悲伤的背后,在挫折和冲突的背后,就是最本真的理性,这是供我们栖息的最恒久、最安全之地。 |