Here’s one way to make sure you have perfect attendance in your class: 让你把全部注意力放在课堂上只有一种方法: Meet Pietro Boselli: Obviously, he’s ridiculously good-looking. 来见见我们的彼得罗·博塞利:看吧看吧,他真是TM帅!呆!了! But what if I told you Pietro wasn’t just any old male model. What if it was revealed that he was in fact…A MATH TEACHER?!? 但是如果我告诉你彼得罗不仅仅是个普通男模,如果我爆料他其实是一个……数学老师呢?! The maths teacher who reached global fame after his adoring students shared his smouldering pictures online is now the new face of Armani. 一名淘气的学生在网上贴出了自己数学老师的性感图片,之后这位数学老师便火爆全球,如今他又成了阿玛尼的新代言人! Pietro Boselli, 28, who is an advanced maths teacher originally from Negrar, Italy, was so popular among his female pupils that they entered him into a sexiest teacher competition - which he won.He is now the face of Giorgio Armani's sporty EA7 line - 22 years after he was first scouted by the renowned fashion label. 这位来自意大利尼格拉的高级数学老师名叫彼得洛·博赛利,今年28岁。他在自己的女学生当中很受欢迎,以至于女学生们让他参加了一场“最性感的老师”大赛——他最终拔得头筹。现在他成为乔治·阿玛尼EA7运动系列的代言人——距离他第一次被时尚品牌发现已经22年了。 Pietro was “discovered” by Giorgio Armani when he was only 6-years-old. He also just happens to have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and gives lectures at University College London. 彼得罗才6岁的时候就被乔治·阿玛尼“星探”到了。而且他碰巧有伦敦大学学院的机械工程PhD,并在该大学任教。 So when Pietro isn't busy posing nude for Equinox ads he's publishing papers like, “An Inverse Design Based Methodology for Rapid 3D Multi-Objective-Multidisciplinary Optimization of Axial Turbines.” 所以呢,彼得罗不忙于裸身拍摄Equinox广告的时候,他就发表发表论文,比如《基于反求设计的轴流式涡轮机快速3D多目标多学科优化方法》。 But seriously, you can joke about adding a bed and subtracting your clothes and dividing legs all you want, but could you honestly imagine knowing your math teacher was posting Instagrams like this? 不过认真的,你可以开开玩笑,加个床啊,脱个衣服啊,大腿叉开啊,想怎么来就怎么来,但是你真的能想象自己的数学老师在Instagram上PO这样的照片吗?! 来自非死不可的围观党们,大家都在流口水,在报警,在疯狂嫉妒—— @Gabriel Hernandez I look exactly like this... Just with more fat. 人家明明也长这样……就是胖了那么一丢丢。 @Helgard Pi I'm sorry but you spontaneously made me laugh so hard I actually cried. 不好意思你真的让我笑粗来了……笑的太厉害了眼泪都流出来了怎么破> |