这十种人 !十分不靠谱!
1. Anyone who puts milk in FIRST: 那些先倒牛奶再放燕麦的人== 2. Anyone who DISRESPECTS fries like this: 你想过薯条的感受吗? 3. Anyone who VIOLATES a poor, helpless stick of cheese: 可怜无助的起司棒。 4. People who think this is somehow OKAY: 童鞋,这样也木有问题吗? 5. Or allow this to happen to a poor, DEFENSELESS slice of ‘za: 谁教你这样对待一片可怜又无助的披萨的! 6. Or, LORD HAVE MERCY, let this happen: 仁慈的上帝,你竟然对此坐视不理! 7. Anyone who COMPLETELY disregards the rules for eating a Kit Kat: 可以这样吃巧克力的奇葩。 8. Or anyone that eats a taco like this: 这货是这样吃玉米卷的! 9. Or goes against all that’s PURE and GOOD in the world and eats a burrito like this: 你这样吃玉米煎饼简直是违和! 10. People with the GALL to dip cookies in orange juice: 有胆子把饼干蘸着橙汁吃的奇葩们! |