美国大选已经让你提不起兴趣了?那我们来看看联合国发的大招:处于世界外交官之巅峰的职位“联合国秘书长”United Nations secretary-general开启公开面试了! 从来都是关起门来自己选一选秘书长的联合国,这次可是二战后首次的公开面试辩论来选人!整个过程还提供同步live直播。外媒纷纷称UN takes historic step to open selection of new secretary general,这简直堪称历史性的一大进步! CNN提供了一份相当全面的选举导览,关于谁会成为下一届“世界的总管”,这些知识你可以恶补起来了! Who's running? 都有谁参选了? So far, there are eight official candidates for the United Nations' top job. 目前为止,联合国该最高层职位已有8名候选人。 高亮:联合国成立70年以来的8位秘书长均为男性。因此,女性候选人的呼声很高。 What does the secretary-general do? 联合国秘书长是干吗的? Good question. The secretary-general presides over thousands of staffers and a pyramid of agencies, works to end poverty and misery, and, yes, establish world peace. No army comes with the job though. 好问题!联合国秘书长管理职员上千,站在机构金字塔的顶端,致力于终结贫穷苦痛,还有——建立世界和平。不过该职位不掌握任何军事权力。 Primarily the secretary-general follows the directions of the 15-nation Security Council. If those countries say it's time to set up a peacekeeping mission in country X, then the SG, as the post is commonly referred to, gets on the case. 首先,联合国秘书长追随15个联合国安全理事会的方针。如果这些国家发话了,要针对某国开展维和任务,那么联合国秘书长就要干活了== How long do they serve? 联合国秘书长任职多久? History says renewable five-year terms. 根据历史记录,该职位5年轮一次(可连任)。 What challenges await the next U.N. leader? 下一位联合国秘书长将面临什么挑战? Based on the first day of auditions of candidates, nations think the next leader should be ready to appear as a new superhero in a world blockbuster. Questions touched on achieving peace in the Middle East and stopping terrorism in Europe. 从试演第一天来看,联合国认为下一任秘书长必须随时准备好充当世界这部大片里的新一代英雄。(要解决的)问题包括取的中东和平、阻止欧洲恐怖主义。 The next secretary-general also will have to deal with the disturbing issue of the U.N.'s own peacekeepers accused in dozens of sexual abuse cases from Africa to Haiti. 下一任秘书长还需解决的大难题就是联合国自身的维和部队——从非洲到海底,都存在大量性侵指控。 When is the vote and what is the process? 什么时候投票?流程是怎样的? The five permanent countries in the council hold a veto. So if they don't like a candidate, forget it. 5大联合国安全理事会常任理事国有否决权。如果他们不喜欢这个候选人……沙扬娜拉了~ PS:历史上并无公投。 What's different this year? 今年有什么不同? Tired of the big powers deciding who is the next secretary-general, candidates taking questions from countries has begun. Video questions from the public are part of the show. 对于大国有权决定下任秘书长这件事已经疲软了,候选人将接受来自各国的连环发问。公众录像的提问也是大选的环节之一。 |