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我们有家了!孤儿收养后的笑容合辑 超暖心


我们有家了!孤儿收养后的笑容合辑 超暖心

According to Together We Rise, every day, 1,200 kids enter foster care in the United States, a life that is often filled with stigma and uncertainty. To combat this, TWR brings together volunteers to help kids in foster care, and to encourage families to adopt. What's most surprising, however, is how young all the volunteers are.

Together We Rise表示:美国每天有1200名儿童进入孤儿院,而在那儿的生活往往充满着欺辱和不确定性。为了改善这种境况,TWR联合志愿者一起来帮助孤儿院的孩子们,而且TWR还鼓励家庭收养孩子。然而,最令人惊讶的是,所有的志愿者都很年轻。

"In 2008, TWR was founded by college students after one of their classmates discovered that their 9 year-old cousin was living in a car," explains TWR. "They wanted to do something but they came across some obstacles because they were all under the age of 21. Government agencies denied their help due to Federal regulations. There were no organizations like TWR that welcomed young people to join their efforts."


Two years ago, TWR started to post pictures of newly adopted kids to Facebook and Instagram. The response was tremendous. See some of their happy photos below!


我们有家了!孤儿收养后的笑容合辑 超暖心

我们有家了!孤儿收养后的笑容合辑 超暖心

我们有家了!孤儿收养后的笑容合辑 超暖心

我们有家了!孤儿收养后的笑容合辑 超暖心

我们有家了!孤儿收养后的笑容合辑 超暖心

我们有家了!孤儿收养后的笑容合辑 超暖心

我们有家了!孤儿收养后的笑容合辑 超暖心

我们有家了!孤儿收养后的笑容合辑 超暖心

我们有家了!孤儿收养后的笑容合辑 超暖心
