Finally, a study has confirmed what I've long known to be true in my heart: Two breakfasts are better than none. Okay, the research on the effect of breakfast on weight gain was done on schoolkids (it was published in Pediatric Obesity), but it makes sense in theory for adult humans, too. 近日,一项研究最终确认了我心中长久认为正确的事:吃两顿早餐比没吃早餐好。这项研究的研究对象是学生们(而相关论文发表在《儿科肥胖》杂志上),意图找到早餐对体重增加的影响。但是在理论上,这项研究对成年人也有参考价值。 Researchers from Yale and the University of Connecticut followed 600 middle-school students as they progressed from fifth to seventh grade, noting their weight and if they had zero breakfast, breakfast either at home or at school, or breakfast in both places. They found that weight gain among second-breakfast eaters was no different from the average gain seen among all students. Kids who didn't eat breakfast, or ate it only sometimes, were twice as likely to be overweight or obese as double-breakfasters. It should be noted that only about one in ten kids in the study ate two breakfasts. 耶鲁大学和康涅狄格大学的研究人员追踪了600位五年级到七年级的中学生,记录他们的体重、是否有吃早餐的习惯、吃早餐的地点(在家、在学校、或二者兼而有之)。他们发现吃两顿早餐的人和大家的体重平均增加数目相比没有什么区别。而不吃早餐或很少吃早餐的孩子们则比吃两顿的孩子们多出一倍机率超重或者肥胖。需要说明的是,在研究中,十个孩子中只有一个是每天吃两顿早餐。 The study wasn't designed to figure out why this might be true, but the researchers have some theories: namely, that people who skip breakfast (or any meal) might overeat later in the day, and that being overweight to begin with could lead a person to pass on breakfast to save calories. 这项研究并不只在于弄清为何这项结论是正确的。但是研究人员们也有一些理论来解释结果:换句话说,不吃早餐(或午饭、晚饭)的人可能会吃过量的食物,进而导致体重超标。而这将导致一个人继续不吃早餐来减少卡路里摄入。 Yes, school breakfasts are more like a healthy snack than a full meal, and growing tweens can pack away a terrifying amount of food, but if you're still not eating breakfast because you think it's a waste of calories, you are not only mistaken, but you are also missing out on one of life's great pleasures. Which is, of course, eating multiple times before noon. 的确,学校所供应的早餐比起正式的一餐来说更像搭配健康的小食,而正在长身体的青少年们会打包走一大份食物。但是如果你仍然认为吃早餐能够减少卡路里摄入而不吃早餐的话,那你不仅仅是弄错了,而且你还错失了生命中最愉悦的体验之一,即在中午之前吃上好几回东西 |