我才不管×阿姨家的孩子又考了几百分、×叔叔家的孩子又得了什么奖呢!我就是要不及格!就是要当差生!谁都别拦我! 好好好...小编不拦你,小编把这几条差生速成指南送给你! 难度指数:☆ 时间要求:☆ 1 Study alone 1 独自学习 Sometimes kids who study in a group can pick up new ideas and tips from others. Do you really want to take that chance? 有时候结伴学习的孩子会从别人那儿得到新想法和帮助。你应该不想要这个机会吧? 2 Don't bother taking notes 2 别记笔记 The mere process of writing down the teacher's comments would make some of the material sink in, especially for tactile and visual learners. If you take class notes, you're more likely to have all the material you need when it comes time to study for a test. Forget that! Don't write anything down, especially if it sounds important. 仅仅是写下老师的讲解就可能让你记住这些知识,对触觉型和视觉型的学习者来说尤其如此。如果你记笔记,你很可能在备考时就会找到所有需要的参考材料。忘了笔记这茬儿吧!千万别写,越重要的知识越别写。 3 Fall asleep in class 3 在课上打瞌睡 You can always spot the kids who get good report cards. They are wide awake when the teacher is talking or showing examples on the board. You can tell these kids never watch TV or play video games until the wee hours of the morning. You can secure a really bad grade if you stay up half the night, drag yourself to class, then doze a little while the instructor is talking. 任何时候你都可以发现那些成绩优异的孩子总是在老师讲课或演示时睁大双眼。你可以看出这些孩子从不会看电视或打游戏到凌晨。如果你熬夜第二天拖着困倦的身子去上课,在老师讲课的时候小憩一会儿,那么你就可以得到很棒的坏成绩啦。 4 Leave your work at home 4 把作业落在家里 If, by some chance, you do all your homework and you do it very well, you still have a great shot at failing. All you have to do is leave your work at home! Successful students always gather all their materials together the night before. 如果你一不小心做完了作业并且做得很好,你还是有机会成为差生的。你要做的知识把作业放在家里!好学生总是在上课前一晚把东西都整理好。 5 Annoy the teacher 5 惹怒老师 Chew gum, don't pay attention in class, talk to your friends, sleep—do whatever you can to get on your teacher's nerves. If you annoy the teacher, he or she will always know whether to give you credit for effort. 在课上嚼口香糖、不听讲、和朋友聊天、打瞌睡,你可以做任何事来惹怒老师。如果你惹怒了老师,老师永远有办法决定是否让你通过考试。 6 Don't study for a test until the night before 6 不到考前一晚绝不复习 Kids who get As and Bs usually begin studying as soon as they find out a test is coming. They start out by reading over all their notes the first night or two, then start testing themselves with little practice questions they make up.If you really want to get an F, avoid this kind of behavior at all costs. Wait until the night right before exam day. 得优+和优的孩子通常发现考试临近就会开始复习。他们会用一两天浏览自己的笔记,然后用自己编的小问题测试自己。但是如果你想要不及格,就无须费心了。等到考前一个晚上再复习吧。 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |