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You’ve [now] heard it [so many times], you can [probably] repeat it [in your sleep]. President Obama will [no doubt] make the point [publicly] [when he gets to Beijing:] the Chinese need to consume [more]; they need – ^believe it or not^ – to become [more] [like Americans], [for the sake of1 the global economy].


注:1. for the sake of  为了,以什么的名义。美国人常喜欢用以上帝之名,for the sake of Jesus。例:

In the rapidly evolving smartphone field, security is often sacrificed for the sake of convenience.


[选自:MSN: Infected Smartphone Apps – The Next Wave of Malware]

And it’s [all] true. But the other side (of that equation 1) is that the U.S. needs to save [more]. [For the moment], American households [actually] are doing so. [After the personal-savings rate dipped 2 to zero in 2005], the shock (of the economic crisis) [last year] prompted3 people [to snap4 shut their wallets].


注:1. equation n.①(数学)等式,方程式;例:

The teacher asked me to write the equations on the blackboard.


But in terms of the impact on human society, threat is only part of the equation.


[选自:BBC: Coral reefs heading for fishing and climate crisis]


The equation of wealth with happiness can be unwise.


2. dip n. 浸泡; 倾斜; 蘸湿; 下沉  v. 浸; 把伸入; 泡; 舀取, 汲出; 浸一下; 倾斜; 下沉, 下降; 舀, 掏。例:

Her investments were doing well and she did not want to dip into this money.


[选自:FORBES: Time to Talk: Why the Buy and Hold Strategy Can Work Part Two]

3. prompt n. 催促, 付款期限, 提醒, 提示;

v. 促使; 怂恿; 激励; 引起, 激起。文中为促使意。例:

The traffic accident prompted the driver to renew his insurance.


Closed questions prompt “Yes” or “No” answers which might be dull for your audience.


[选自:BBC: Quiz: Gathering news]

adj. 迅速的, 立刻的, 敏捷的。例:

Our new manager is prompt on the job.


4. snap n. 猛咬, 劈啪声, 突然折断。例:

The fragment breaks loose with a snap.


vi. 咬, 抓, 扑; 咬断, 争夺, 猛咬;突然的举动(或移动),文中即突然的举动,例:

to snap to attention


adj. 突然的, 装搭扣的。例:

His snap appearing surprised me.


[In China], the household-savings rate exceeds 20%. It is [partly] [for policy reasons]. (As we’ve seen,) 1 wage earners are expected to care for not only their children but their aging parents. And there is, [to date], only the flimsiest 2 (of publicly-funded health care and pension3 systems), (which increases incentives 4 [for individuals] [to save] [while they are working.]) But China is a society (that has [long] esteemed 5 (personal financial) prudence6.) There is no chance (that will change [anytime soon],) [even if the government creates a better social safety net and [successfully] encourages greater consumer spending.]



注:1. As引导的定语从句,非限制性的,as在这里作表语。

2. flimsy adj. 脆弱的;浅薄的;易损坏的;不周密的。例:

Finally, volunteer firefighter Dave Hunt, along with the other 11 firefighters, managed to deploy their flimsy shelters.


[选自:NPR: Photo Captures Firefighters Ensnarled by Blaze]

n. 薄纸;复写纸;打字纸。   

3. pension n.养老金,年金;live on a pension 靠退休金/抚恤金生活

4. incentive n.刺激,鼓励,动机。例:

As an incentive, the workers were promised a bonus if they finished the project ahead of schedule.


But in the long run, the airlines have no real incentive to keep doing that.


[选自:CNN: Snyder: Padded flight times a reasonable buffer]

5. esteem vt. 尊重,尊敬。例:

“I personally esteem Mario Monti, a great person,” Maroni told Italy's Sky TG24 in an interview.“


[选自:NPR: Italian President Consulting On Support For Monti]

I admire her abilities and esteem her character.


n. 尊敬,敬重。例:

My esteem for your family is very sincere.


6. prudence n. 审慎。例:

Banks succeed by issuing debt at the intersection of prudence and opportunity.


[选自:FORBES: Most Popular]

Why does the U.S. need to learn a little frugality 1?Because healthy savings rates are one of the surest indicators (of a country’s long-term financial health). High savings lead, ^over time^, to increased investment, (which [in turn] generates productivity gains, innovation2 and job growth.) [In short], savings are the seed corn (of a good economic harvest).


注:1. frugality n. 俭省,节俭。例:

Frugality may be good for family budgets, but it's bad for the national economy.


[选自:MSN: Frugality is the new normal, by necessity]

2. innovation n. 革新, 创新, 改革; 新制度; 新方法; 新事物。例:

an age of technological innovation  一个技术创新的时代

Since its birth, the United States has been a nation built on discovery and innovation.


[选自:WHITEHOUSE: Transforming the American Economy Through Innovation]

The U.S. government [thus] needs to act [as well]. [By running constant deficits], it is dis-saving, [even as households save [more].] Peter Orszag, {Obama’s Budget Director}, [recently] called the U.S. budget deficits and he’s right. [To date], the U.S. has seemed unable to see the consequences (of spending so much more than is taken in). That needs to change. And [though Hu Jintao and the rest of the Chinese leadership aren’t inclined2 to lecture visiting Presidents,] he might [gently] hint3 that Beijing is getting [a little] nervous [about the value of the dollar] – (which has fallen 15% [since March],) [in large part because of increasing fears (that America’s debt load is becoming unmanageable.)]


注:1. unsustainable adj.无法支撑的; 无法维持的。例:

“It is wasteful and unsustainable to demolish a structurally sound historic building,” the Victorian Society said.


unsustainable growth/demands  无法稳定的增长/无法维持的需求

2. incline v. ①(使)倾斜,(使)偏向。例:

The old man inclined towards the speaker to hear more clearly.



be inclined to do sth. 倾向于做某事。例:

But the usual causes of natural variability do not seem to explain the current trend, so scientists incline to the view that it is man-made.


[选自:ECONOMIST: Getting warmer]

3. hint n. 暗示, 提示;线索,细微的迹象;微量,少许。例:

I don’t know the answer. Please give me a hint. 我不知道答案,请提示一下吧。

Investors said they were looking for a hint of new plans to spur economic growth.


[选自:MSN: Dow soars 430 points in wild trading session - Business - Stocks & economy - msnbc.com]

v. 暗示, 示意; 作暗示, 示意,文中此意,作动词。例:

But as important as these disparate parts are, they hint at an even larger project.


[选自:FORBES: Innovation In The Asphalt Jungle]

That’s what happens [when you’re the world’s biggest creditor]: you get to drop hints [like that], (which would be enough [by themselves] [to create international economic chaos] [if they were [ever] leaked1.]) ([Every time] any official (in Beijing) deliberates 2 [publicly] about seeking an alternative to the U.S. dollar [for the $2.1 trillion 3] (China holds [in reserve],) currency traders have a heart attack.) 原 [If Americans saved [more] and spent [less],] [consistently over time], they wouldn’t have to worry about all that.


注:1. leak n. 漏洞, 裂缝; 漏出物; 漏出; 漏电

v. 漏; 泄漏; 使渗漏。文中作动词。例:

On Saturday, they discovered a leak where radioactive water was pouring into the ocean.


[选自:MSN: Japan nuke plant dumps radioactive water in sea]

2. deliberate adj. 深思熟虑的,故意的。例:

Every step in the experiment was deliberate.


The fire that destroyed his offices in 1990 was a deliberate act of arson.


3. trillion n. 万亿。英文中对数字不要用中国人的思维来理解,直接用英文思维理解即可。也就是我们的概念中不再有万,只有千,那么表示1万就只需要说十千。于是,概念只有千、百万、十亿和万亿了,都按照三位数一个逗号来。例:

50,000 五十千fifty thousand,即五万。

17,000,000 十七百万,seventeen million,即一千七百万。


