1. Political Vocabulary 1) Prime minister 首相,总理 2) Annual conference 年会 3) Parliamentary adj. 国会的,议会制度的 M.P. = member of parliament 国会议员 4) General election 大选,普选 5) Preservative party 保守派 6) Politician n. 政客 Eg: Conservative Politician 保守党政客 7) Ballot [ˈbælət] n 选票,无记名投票(发音对比:ballet [bæˈleɪ]芭蕾舞) 8) Referendum n. 公投,公民投票权 9) Heir apparent 法定继承人=legal successor Apparent: adj.【法律】(对产业、王位、爵号等) 具有当然世袭继承权的 2. Demise n 死亡,终止 3. Backlash n. 适得其反 4. Competent adj. 能干的 5. Biography n 传记,个人简介 词根:bio(life)+graphy(writing)→传记 【开头+发音】
【全文有声朗读】 注:加粗为重点表达 Theresa May expected to become Britain's prime minister on Wednesday evening. 特蕾莎·梅将于英国时间本周三晚间就任英国的新首相。 In politics for decades, she has strong stances on immigration, same-sex marriage. 在几十年的从政生涯中,她一直对移民问题和同性婚姻持强硬立场。 Theresa May is not a mother -- her opponent made that clear, to her own demise -- but you may be wondering who exactly is this conservative politician tapped to lead post-Brexit Great Britain. 特蕾莎·梅并没有子女,她的对手以此作为攻击她的弹药,结果搬起石头砸了自己的脚。那么,这位被推举来领导欧脱欧时代英国的保守党政客到底是个什么样的人呢? The 59-year-old May became the heir apparent after Andrea Leadsom, the final of four opponents in the bid to lead the Conservative Party, dropped out following backlash to her remarks that she was more qualified than May to lead Britain because she is a mother. 在保守党党魁的最终选举中,59的梅击败了安德莉亚·利德索姆,成为了党魁的法定继任者。利德索姆是梅在党内终选中4个对手中的最后一个,她此前声称身为母亲的自己比不是母亲的梅更有资格领带英国,此番言论回火伤及自身,而她最终也因此弃选。 To be fair, the tea leaves were already pointing toward May, who garnered 99 more Conservative Parliament members' votes than Leadsom in the first round of ballots, and 115 more in the second. 平心而论,英国政界其实早已偏向了梅。她在第一轮不记名投票中得到的保守党国会议员选票比利德索姆多出99票,而在第二轮中则多出115票。 Prime Minister David Cameron said in a statement: "It is clear Theresa May has the overwhelming support of the Conservative parliamentary party, I'm also delighted that Theresa May will be the next prime minister. She is strong, she is competent, she's more than able to provide the leadership the country is going to need in the years ahead and she will have my full support." 现任首相大卫·卡梅伦在一次声明中说道:“显而易见,特蕾莎·梅得到了议会党保守党压倒性的支持。我很高兴她将成为新一任的首相。她坚强而且能干,她完全有能力为这个国家提供其未来所需的领导力。而且,我会全力支持她。” Leadsom also pledged her support to May. 利德索姆也承诺会支持梅。 Who Is Theresa May? 特蕾莎·梅是谁 职位: 英国内政大臣(2010至今) 脱欧中的立场: 对欧盟持怀疑态度,但支持留欧 语录: 这就是脱欧,它已经发生了。我们不会再试图留在欧盟,也不会试图走后门再次加入;而且,不会再有第二次公投。 Shortly after graduating, May began working at the Bank of England, where she remained until 1983. May went on to hold positions at what is now the UK Payments Administration, according to a biography on her party's website. 毕业后不久,梅进入英格兰银行供职并一直在那工作到1983年。据她所在党派网站上的个人简介描述,她随后进入现在的英国支付管理中心任职。 Key Dates for the New PM 新首相的日程表 18 July - Parliament due to vote on Trident renewal 7月18日– 国会将就更新三叉戟系统一事进行投票(三叉戟是一种潜射弹道导弹) 19 July - Possible date for her first cabinet meeting 7月19日– 可能会召开她的第一次内阁会议 20 July - First PMQs as prime minister 7月20日– 就任首相之后的首次首相问答(PMQs = Prime Minister’s Questions) 5 September - Parliament returns from summer recess 9月5日– 国会从夏季休会中返回 2-5 October - Conservative Party annual conference 10月2-5日– 保守党年会 20 October - Her first European Council meeting as prime minister 10月20日– 就任首相后第一次参加欧洲理事会会议 UK’s PMs in the Past Century 本世纪英国的历任首相 英国在这个世纪里已经换了24任首相,他们中有一半并非通过大选产生。(蓝色实线代表未经大选产生的首相,蓝色虚线代表还未就任) 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |