跑半马的小伙子意外走红 照片已被玩坏
来认识一下今天故事的主角:墨菲·霍开特 故事背景是这样滴: The Brooklyn-based 27-year-old medical student recently ran the Brooklyn Half Marathon. Only two or three miles into the race, the worst thing happened: He got a nosebleed. 来自布鲁克林27岁的医科学生最近参加了布鲁克林的一场半程马拉松竞赛。赛程到了大约两、三英里的时候,糟糕对的事情发生了:他流鼻血了。 "I thought it was a runny nose, but then I wiped it on my sleeve and saw that it was bloody and was like, shit, this is not an opportune time for this!" Murphy Hockett told BuzzFeed. 墨菲霍开特告诉我们说:“我以为是流鼻涕了,但是随后我用袖子擦拭过之后 ,我看到了是血,天呐,这真的不是时候!” So he popped into the medical tent, rolled some gauze into a nose plug, and just kept running. 所以他急忙进了医疗室,塞了一些纱布在鼻孔里,然后继续跑。 "It kind of sucked not being able to breathe out of my nose, but it was fine," he said. "I finished the race and got the best time I've ever gotten." “就是那种无法用鼻子呼吸的糟糕感觉,但是还好,”他说。“我完成了比赛,而且还跑出了我最好的成绩。” Murphy Hockett said he ran to raise money for the Brooklyn Free Clinic, where he volunteers with his classmates. 墨菲·霍开特说他跑半马是为了布鲁克林的义务诊所筹集资金,他和他的同学都在那里做志愿者。 Naturally, the photo found its way to Reddit, and people are having a field day with it. 自然而言,这照片在Reddit上便有了一席之地,人们也每天忙于做各种修改编辑。 Murphy Hockett has outrun bears. 墨菲·霍开特跑赢了熊。 And vampires. 还跑赢了吸血鬼~ He's joined forces with great memes of yore. 他也加入了昔日的米姆大军。 And fought in wars. 还参加了战争~ Someone found a face within his face.Which resulted in these haunting photoshops. 有人在他的脸上发现了另外一张脸,因此就出现了这么多令人瞠目结舌的照片。 He's raced pugs. 他和狗狗赛跑。 And he's raced himself. 他还和自己赛跑。 Murphy Hockett said he is "impressed with the creativity" of everyone who has edited his photo. 墨菲·霍开特说他对每个人编辑照片的创造力都印象深刻。 |