British troops are using Bollywood music as part of their psychological warfare against the Islamic State in Libya, by blasting loud songs from India's large film industry in empty cars. 英国军队正用宝莱坞音乐作为心理武器之一,来对付利比亚伊斯兰国分部,在空无一人的车里播放震耳欲聋的大型印度电影曲目。 The British special forces got the idea from a Pakistani-origin intelligence officer who suggested that Bollywood songs would annoy ISIS, who view the music as un-Islamic. The strategy has been tried out in the Libyan coastal town of Sirte, where the British troops are training Libyan forces to fight ISIS. 英国特种部队是从一名巴基斯坦裔的情报官员处得此想法的,说是宝莱坞歌曲会惹怒伊斯兰国,因为在其看来,这一音乐不符合伊斯兰。这一策略在利比亚海岸的苏尔特镇已经试验过,英国军队在那里训练利比亚军人对抗伊斯兰国。 According to a report in The Mirror, the team left two cars near the border of Sirte, and started blaring Bollywood songs at dawn using a remote control and two speakers. 根据《镜报》报导,这一团队在苏尔特边界留下两辆车,黎明时分即利用遥控和两个扩音器来广播宝莱坞歌曲。 In another incident, they intercepted ISIS' internal communications and blasted them with Bollywood tunes instead. The experiments have reportedly revealed their hiding places and weaknesses, depending on how much time it took the militants to reach the source of the music and how they complained about the music. 另有一事,团队截获了伊斯兰内部通讯 ,继而用宝莱坞曲调吹奏播出。据报道,这些试验也有缺陷,暴露了藏身点,这取决于激进分子需要多久才能锁定音乐源头及他们有多反感这种音乐。 “We needed to unnerve militants and at the same time use some sort of passive measure to gauge their force strength in the area and it went well," an unnamed source said. “我们得让激进分子心力交瘁,同时用些被动手段来衡量这块区域他们的武力水平,进展还不错,”不具名人士如是道。 |