里约奥运会中国队服装曝光 又是番茄炒蛋?!
China unveiled its official Olympic delegation look for the 2016 summer games in Rio this week, and the ensembles aren't exactly winning any medals with the public. 本周,2016年夏季奥运会中国代表团在里约亮相,不过服装似乎并没有赢得公众的青睐。 It's not the matching white pants and skirts that are a problem for critics. It's not the retro hospitality-industry styling. Even the multi-colored kerchiefs and ties seem to be OK. 受到批评的并不是白色裤子和短裙,也不是具有怀旧风格的餐饮行业般的风格,甚至连五颜六色的丝巾和领带也还过得去。 The problem for the people of China? Those bold blazers. 为人们所诟病的是什么?是配色大胆的运动外套。 Like most countries — including the U.S. — China chose to wrap up its team in the colors of their country's flag. But instead of seeing a patriotic palette of crimson and gold, according to People's Daily China, folks are railing against what's been dubbed "fried eggs and tomato." 和大多数国家一样——包括美国——中国选择以其国旗上的色彩来作为团队服装的颜色。但是《人民日报》称,这样的服装并未赢得“红与黄的爱国调色板”的赞誉,反而被国人戏称为“番茄炒蛋”,以示反对意见。 As for designer, Ye Chaoying, he just wants the Chinese athletes in Rio to find them appetizing. 而设计师叶超莹称他只是希望中国运动员在奥运赛场能够显得“秀色可餐”。 "We hope our athletes will feel like wearing our national flag when they step into the stadium at the opening ceremony," he said when debuting the uniforms. 他在奥运服装初次亮相是说道:“我们希望我们的运动员在开幕式踏入体育场时能够感觉到自己身披国旗。” 下面一起来回顾一下往届奥运会中国代表队的服装吧~ (2008年北京奥运会中国代表队服装) (2012年伦敦奥运会中国代表队服装) 讲真,英语君真是没看出每一届有什么大区别……永远的“番茄炒蛋”……不变的“恒源祥”……你们怎么看? 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |