10万美元能让你的狗狗起死回生 这钱你砸吗
The Sooam Biotech Research Foundation can reincarnate your dead dog, a service that would delight pet lovers - for US$100,000. 索姆生化研究基金可以让你离世的小狗起死回生,花上十万美元,这项服务能讨宠物爱好者的欢心。 These people have very a strong bond with their pets and cloning provides a psychological alternative to the traditional method of just letting the pet go and keeping their memory. 这些人和动物有很深的情感,克隆是种心理替代,而非传统上和宠物依依惜别、把记忆封存。 They specialise in cloning cattle and pigs for medical research and breed preservation as well, particularly developing genetically-engineered animals for use as disease models. 他们擅长为医疗领域克隆牛和猪、保存好幼崽,尤其擅长培养基因工程学的动物以用作疾病研究范本。 But it is their dog cloning service that brings in the most customers: they’ve cloned almost 800 dogs since 2006, with their client base including princes, celebrities, and billionaires, as well as owners and agencies who want to replicate highly skilled rescue dogs. 但也就是他们的克隆服务才带来最多客户,自从2006年起他们克隆了将近800条狗,其客户群体包括王子、名人、百万富翁和一些宠物主人和机构,想要复制克隆技艺高超的营救犬。 The process starts with putting your dead dog in the fridge. Within about five days of your dog being delivered to the facility, a mature cell from the dog can be successfully harvested, and copied; the DNA is then fused with a donor egg that has been stripped of its original genetic material. 步骤第一步是把过世的小狗放冰箱,小狗运到设备后约摸五天之内可以成功提取成熟细胞,并且复制;然后从原始遗传物质上攫取卵子,与DNA相融合。 The embryo from this process is then implanted in a surrogate mother dog. Two months later, your dead best friend is back to being a puppy. 这一过程中形成的胚胎接着会植入代孕小狗体内。两个月后,你最好的小伙伴、过世的小狗就又会重新回到你身边。 Now the company is partnering with other researchers in an ambitious plan to clone a mammoth from frozen remains found in Siberia. 现在这家公司在和其它研究人员计划合作一个大项目,把西伯利亚发现的冷冻猛犸残骸克隆出来。 |