奥林匹克专用马赛克污力十足 跳水男无一幸免
前方高能!奥林匹克专用马赛克,污力十足,慎入! Every four years something really cool happens during men’s Olympic diving competitions: The scores that show up on screen cover the diver’s groin area, accidentally making it look like porn. 每隔四年,在奥运男子跳水比赛中都会发生一些很酷(wu)的事:屏幕上呈现的得分情况遮住了跳水选手的腹股沟部位,一不小心就让这些画面看上去像huang很糟糕的照片(字幕君,你确定不是故意的?!)。 Here’s an example of that from the London games: 这里有伦敦奥运会上流出的照片: Naked friends are the best friends |