迪士尼《小美人鱼》真人版阵容敲定 你猜有谁
It’s been reported that Disney might be diving under the sea and developing a live-action version of its most iconic animated movie, The Little Mermaid. Moreover, Disney legend Alan Menken is set to team up with Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda to handle the music for the movie. 据报道,迪斯尼可能要潜到海底,将其最具代表性的动画《小美人鱼》拍摄成真人版电影。此外,迪斯尼传奇人物艾伦·曼肯与托尼奖得主林-曼努尔·米兰达将携手创作这部电影的音乐作品。 Ariel would be played by SELENA GOMEZ. 塞雷娜·戈麦斯将扮演艾丽尔。 Selena是Justin Bieber的前女友,同时也是当红的流行歌手。代表歌曲有Love You Like a Love Song。 当然她也是迪士尼原创电影的常客啦!主演过《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》、《公主保护计划》与《少年魔法师电影: 神秘魔法石》。 Anyone who plays Ariel needs to have the perfect balance of sweet innocence and fierce independence, which is something Selena can definitely bring to the role! 扮演艾丽尔的人需要完美演绎这个角色的可爱天真与坚决独立,而塞雷娜一定可以演绎出这种品质。 Prince Eric would be played by TARON EGERTON. 塔伦·埃格顿将扮演埃里克王子。 英国皇家艺术学院毕业的Taron能够在牛津、纽约、利物浦、格拉斯哥、伦敦等地的口音间切换自如,所以他不费吹灰之力就拿下了《王牌特工:特工学院》中的主角艾格西(Kingsman: The Secret Service)。 Anyone who’s seen Kingsman Taron has character to spare (not to mention an insane amount of charm), and he’d add an extra dimension to Prince Eric. 有人看过塔伦出演的《王牌特工》这部电影吗,(更不用说他那无与伦比的魅力了),他会为埃里克王子增添一种独特的品(魅)质(力)。 Ursula would be played by LADY GAGA. Lady Gaga将扮演乌苏拉。 雷帝的歌曲自然就不用多说啦,《Poker Face》响彻大街小巷。而现在她似乎特别倾情与往影视界发展,之前就主演了《美国恐怖故事》的第五季American Horor Story: Hotel。 Ursula was based off the legendary drag queen Divine, so the live-action sea witch absolutely needs to have a queer sensibility. Gay icon Lady Gaga has got the campy swagger that’s necessary to successfully step into Ursula’s tentacles. 乌苏拉源自传说中的异装癖皇后迪万,所以这位真人版的海巫婆必须能完全理解同性恋。同志偶像Lady Gaga滑稽夸张又昂首阔步的风格是成功消化乌苏拉触手装扮的必要条件。 King Triton would be played by IDRIS ELBA. 伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴将扮演特里同国王。 Idris出演过《雷神》、《环太平洋》、《普罗米修斯》等大片,另外他还是《疯狂动物城》里水牛局长的声优。 When you think of King Triton, you think of him as an authority figure with his booming, commanding voice and his rippling muscles. Idris has both of those in spades. 当你想起特里同国王的时候,你(一定)认为他是一位有着浑厚威严的嗓音和健壮肌肉的权威人物。伊德瑞斯肯定拥有这两项特质。 Titus曾在《愤怒的小鸟》里给照相鸟配音。 Sebastian would be played by TITUS BURGESS. 题图斯·伯吉斯将扮演塞巴斯蒂安。 Titus is one of the most talented young comic actors out there, not to mention the fact he ORIGINATED the role of Sebastian in the Broadway production of The Little Mermaid. 题图斯是这里最有天赋的年轻喜剧演员,更不用说,就是他出演了百老汇音乐剧《小美人鱼》中的塞巴斯蒂安。 Flounder would be played by GATEN MATARAZZO. 格坦恩·马塔拉佐将扮演弗伦德。 Gaten曾参演NBC的剧集《罪恶黑名单》The Blacklist. 而现在更是出演了Netflix的新晋红剧《怪奇物语》(The Stranger Things)。 Matarazzo has got the youthful exuberance that is a prerequisite for the role of Ariel’s best friend. 马塔拉佐年轻又充满活力,这也是扮演艾利尔这位好友的先决条件。 Flotsam & Jetsam would be played by HARVEY FIERSTEIN. 哈韦·菲尔斯泰将扮演弗洛特萨姆和杰特萨姆。 Harvey曾参演CBS的金牌剧集《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife)。 Fierstein’s LEGENDARY rasp is perfect for the sly, nefarious, slinky duo of moray eels. 菲尔斯泰传奇般的刺耳嗓音完美地诠释了这对狡猾、邪恶又行踪诡秘的海鳗二人组。 Carlotta would be played by REBEL WILSON. 瑞贝尔·威尔森将扮演卡洛塔。 Rebel的代表作包括2014年的《博物馆奇妙夜2》(Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb)。 With Rebel’s patented sass, she’ll be able to turn the character into a scene-stealer and a fan favorite. That’s what we call an UPGRADE! 瑞贝尔颇具个性的恶声恶气使她能够让这个角色出尽风头,成为影迷们的最爱。我们称之为升级版! Grimsby would be played by ALAN CUMMING. 艾伦·卡明将扮演格里姆斯比。 Alan也同样是《傲骨贤妻》里的演员,而且是常驻演员,还曾经因为该剧被提名艾美奖。 Alan Cumming is perfect for the role, as he is more than capable of handling the dialogue that comes with the character. 艾伦·卡明非常适合扮演这个角色,因为他能完美演绎这个角色的对白。 Scuttle would be played by BILLY EICHNER. 比利·艾克纳将扮演斯卡特。 Billy就是《愤怒的小鸟》里的捣蛋猪国王。 BILLY EICHNER has a mix of comic timing, eccentricity, and pure energy that would be perfect for the role of the wacky seagull. 比利·艾克纳诙谐、古怪,又有着纯粹的活力,这使他成为扮演那只古怪海鸥的最佳人选。 Chef Louis would be played by LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA. 林-曼努尔·米兰达将扮演路易斯主厨。 Lin-Manuel是《星球大战:原力觉醒》(Star Wars: The Force Awakens)里Shag Kava的声优,也是该电影的特约作曲家。 Listen, if Lin-Manuel Miranda is writing music for our movie, you better believe he’s also getting a role in our movie! Who knows, maybe he’ll cook up a new number for the cantankerous chef to sing. 听着,如果林-曼努尔·米兰达会为我们的电影谱曲,那么你最好相信他也会出演这部电影!天晓得,他也许能为这位坏脾气的主厨创作出一种新的韵律供其演唱。 |