Recent evidence and various sleep studies suggest that your sleep position could influence your dreams. Take a look at the sleep positions below, and see if your sleep position correlates with the types of dreams you're having. 最近有证据和各种睡眠研究显示,睡觉姿势对做什么梦有影响(小编表示:真的?!!)。看看下面这些睡觉姿势,看看你的睡姿和所做的梦是否对应。 Sleep Position #1: On Your Side 姿势一:侧睡 Bring on the puppies and rainbows, right-side sleepers! Right-side sleepers experience more positive and happy dreams and had fewer nightmares than left-side sleepers. Those who slept on their right were also more likely to report better quality of sleep than lefties. 朝右侧睡的人会梦见小狗和彩虹!朝右侧睡的人会比左侧睡的人做更积极开心的梦,而且很少做恶梦。那些朝右侧睡的人比左侧睡的人睡眠质量更好。 Sleep Position #2: On Your Back 姿势二:平躺 The study also mentions that those who sleep on their back experience dreams about vulnerability and feeling exposed — like showing up late for a final exam you forgot you had or suddenly being naked in public. Back sleepers also may have a harder time remembering their dreams, but maybe that's not such a bad thing. 研究也提到平躺睡觉的人梦里比较脆弱或者有被暴露了的感觉——比如因为忘记期末考试而迟到或者突然在公共场合赤身裸体。平躺睡觉的人也可能很难记起他们的梦,但这也并非坏事。 Sleep Position #3: On Your Stomach 姿势三:趴着 In another study conducted by Dr. Calvin Kai-Ching Yu, PhD, of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, he concluded that the individuals who slept facedown on their belly were more likely to have a wide range of love-related dreams, like kissing a stranger, getting married, or dating a celebrity. 在另外一项香港树仁大学余啟程博士进行的研究中,他的结论是脸朝下趴着睡的人更有可能做各种与爱情有关的梦,比如亲吻陌生人、结婚或和名人约会。 Sleep Position #4: Sleeping At An Incline 姿势四:倾斜 Those who sleep at an incline allegedly dream more vividly. It's assumed a person is closer to wakefulness when they're in a more upright position. 倾斜睡觉的人声称做梦更生动,抬起的角度越大越接近清醒。 When you experience a vivid dream, it feels incredibly real. Often, even after you've woke up, you thought that it really happened because you are so deeply involved in the dream. 逼真的梦境给人难以置信的真实感,甚至通常醒来之后,你都以为梦是真的,因为你过于沉浸于梦中。 |