1.The Perfect Leather Tote 完美皮质大提包 We're talking real leather in a color that goes with everything so you can carry it every day. Stay away from trendy colors or designer logos which go in and out of style. Simple, gorgeous leather is all you need. 我们说的是真皮的包,颜色要百搭,这样你就能每天都用了。不要买时髦的颜色或带商标的包,那些包都会有流行的时候也会过时。简洁的优质皮革才是你所需要的。 2. Black Dress 黑色连衣裙 Notice, I didn't say "Little" black dress. What's most important is that you have a flattering, well-fitting black dress that you feel amazing in. Don't skimp on quality. 注意,我说的不是“小黑裙”。最重要的是你有一条很喜欢、很合身的黑裙,穿起来感觉很棒。不要忽略质量。 3. Perfect Black Pumps 完美黑色高跟鞋 Whether for a job interview or for a power meeting, you need a pair of timeless black heels that instantly make you feel your most confident. Obviously, you should be able to walk/stand comfortably in them, too. 无论是参加工作面试还是高端会议,你都需要一双经典黑色高跟鞋,总会让你感觉非常自信。当然这双鞋走路或站立时穿着也要舒服。 4. Black Pants 黑色长裤 Not leggings, not jeans. Black pants are a wardrobe staple, so it's crucial that every woman have a pair (or two) that fit like they were made for you. 不是紧身裤,也不是牛仔裤。黑色长裤是衣柜里的必备品,所以重要的就是每个女人都有一条(或两条)像是为她们量身定做的黑色长裤。 5. Black One-Piece Swimwsuit 黑色连体泳衣 Believe it or not, there will come a time when a brightly colored, look-at-me swimsuit just isn't what you want to wear to the pool or beach. When that day comes, you'll be so happy you invested in a classic black one-piece. 信不信由你,你总会到某个年龄阶段,你不再想穿着亮丽吸睛的泳衣去泳池或沙滩了。当那一天到来的时候,你会很高兴买过一件经典黑色连体泳衣的。 6.Diamond Studs 钻石耳钉 No woman should turn 30 with only costume jewelry in her jewelry box. If you only treat yourself to one splurge item in your twenties, make it a pair of real diamond earrings. You'll treasure them for the rest of your life. 女人都不该到了30岁首饰盒里还只有廉价的珠宝首饰。如果你20多岁的时候只能挥霍一次,那就买一副真的钻石耳环吧,你的余生都会珍藏它们的。 7. Sunglasses You Guard With Your Life 用生命守护的太阳镜 I'm not saying you have to stop buying the cheap ones, but by the time you hit the big 3-0 you should have a classic pair of sunnies you love year after year and never lose or break. 我不是说你不能再买廉价太阳镜了,而是到重要的30岁的时候,你应该有一副经典太阳镜,你会爱不释手好多年,永远不要弄丢或损坏。 8. Wall Art 墙面艺术 No more decals; definitely no posters. By the time you're 30, you should have at least one piece of artwork for your walls that you love. 别再贴墙贴了,也绝对不要贴海报。到30岁的时候,你的墙上至少应该有一件喜欢的艺术品。 9. A Complete Set Of Dishes 一整套餐具 Nothing fancy, just a complete, coordinating set. 不需要特别昂贵的,只要是一整套配套的餐具就可以。 10. Queen Size Mattress 大号床垫 I know mattresses don't come cheap, but this is a worthy investment. 我知道床垫不便宜,但绝对值得买。 |