最近,推特(Twitter)上发起了#5WordFitnessPlan(5词健身计划)的话题,热心网友们提供了大量精彩回答。这里摘取了其中10条,相信我,这10条建议真的、真的是认真的! Exercise is crucial to your overall wellness. But despite the fact that it's good for you in every way, it can still feel like a chore to commit to a regular routine. 锻炼对你各方面的健康有重要作用,但是尽管它在各个方面都对你有好处,但定期锻炼也会让人感觉很烦。 Check out the advice on how to live a healthy, active life below: 看看下面关于如何健康积极生活的建议: 1. Move as much as possible. 尽可能多动。 Just get up and move. 站起来,动起来。
2. Prioritize exercise and nutrition equally. 锻炼和营养同等重要。 Eat well and walk everywhere. 吃好,还要四处走动。
3. Sneak in physical activity when you can. 能锻炼的时候就锻炼。 I dance while folding laundry! 叠衣服时我都要跳舞!(来跟我唱:不如跳舞~)
4. Or, you know, make it part of something you already love. 或者你知道的,把它融入你的爱好。 Jogging after ice cream truck. 跟在卖冰淇淋的车后慢跑。
5. Take advantage of exercise facilities. 好好利用健身器材。 Actually go to the gym. 真的,去健身房吧。(图中文字:我今天没去健身房,连续5年都这样了。)
6. Don't forget the weights. 别忘了哑铃。 Do cardio AND strength training. 做有氧运动和力量训练。
7. Try a new or unique workout when you get bored. 无聊时换个新的或独特的锻炼项目。 Prance your little heart out. 欢脱点,让小心脏雀跃起来。
8. Remember that you're burning calories all the time. 记住你一直在燃烧脂肪。 Wake up, open eyelids, breathe. 醒来,睁开眼睛,呼吸。
9. Stop searching for reasons not to work out. 不要再为不锻炼找借口了。 No excuses, just do it. 不要找借口,赶快动起来。
10. And if all else fails, you could always just do this: 如果所有上面这些你都做不到,下面这个你还可以做: Run away from problems faster. 快点从麻烦和问题那里逃开。 |