An amazing new gadget that has been developed for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo will translate Japanese into three different languages with in a matter of seconds. 一款为2020年东京奥运会研发的新型工具可以将日语实时翻译成三种不同的语言。 The megaphone, which has been unveiled by Panasonic , allows the user to speak in Japanese before it then repeats the phrase in either English, Korean, or Chinese. 这款由松下公司研发的扩音器可以将使用者说的日语复述成英语,韩语或者中文。 It has been built in anticipation of the increase in foreign tourists and is being described by media in the country as 'Japan's secret weapon'. 它的研发是因为预计外国游客将大幅增加,它也被媒体称为”日本的秘密武器”。 It is also thought that the device will be used to help with disaster drills.Footage posted by ANN News, shows several relief workers performing practice runs as they ask 'disaster victims' whether anyone is injured across the tannoy. 同时这个扩音器也可以在发生灾害等紧急情况时起到作用。ANN新闻发布的影片显示,几个救援人员在演习过程当中通过扩音器询问是否有遇难者受伤。 The megaphone is also being trialled in airports and areas with busy public transport systems. 扩音器也被用在机场,繁忙的公共交通系统等领域。 Tokyo is eager to showcase its hi-tech innovation to spectators at the 2020 Olympics and the event has already been dubbed the 'Olympics of the Future'. 东京渴望在2020年奥运会上向人们展示这个高科技创新,这届奥运被也被定位为“迎接奥运,打造未来之城”。 Officials have set aside 400 billion Japanese yen (£2bn) for the sporting event with plans to revamp some major stadiums in the country to hold more than 80,000 fans. 日本政府为2020年的体育盛会已经预留出4000亿日元(20亿英镑)用来计划重建国内一些主要的体育场馆,预计可容纳8万粉丝。 |